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2014-07-02 23:18:45 hello,friend so sorry for that . we apology to you everyone may make a mistake by sometimes.could you give us some help. if you do not want to pay for $59. could you please help cancel my order with reason "Buyer Ordered Wrong Product" you are kind hope your understanding,thanks
2014-07-02 23:23:22 Why I must cancel my order with reason "Buyer Ordered Wrong Product" if I ordered correct products? It's you mistake, not my. I can cancel order by choosing the cancellation with "Supplier refuses to supply item(s)".
2014-07-02 23:23:55 hello friend, we are very sorry to tell you that we only can agree the cancellation reason by " the buyer place a wrong order" and " the buyer place a repeat order", hope you can change it, and then we will agree you cancel this order. thanks
eniF Sunny Lee c купоном 59 от 66 уже открытым текстом обещает выдать левый трек и предлагает возвращать деньги по диспуту:
Dear friend, if you do not want to cancel this order, it's ok,then we will wrote the tracking number and do not send anything, then you can open dispute to ask the full refund, thanks for your understanding. or you can cancel this order and please choose the cancellation with "Buyer Order The Wrong Product", thanks.
Ей был предложен стандартный для этого случая набор: негативные отзывы и жалоба на нарушение правил торговли. Вместе с диспутами конечно.
Lina Chen 2014-07-02 19:54:53 once you cancel the order friendly, i promise that we'll give you best price for everything you need in our shop. Lina Chen 2014-07-02 15:09:54 Dear buyer, I made a big mistake on my coupon. it should be USD9 instead of USD99. I am a preganant women. Too easy to make mistake, i am really begging you to cancel the order. Please, please! I can't ship the goods out. really! The best price i can give for total is USD91. PLS! PLS! ur understanding~ Tks and best regards, LINA CHEN