всем привет!
вижу отправка в нигерию уже избитая тема. но слава тебе господи за форумы, что я не отправил ничего и нашел ваши описанные случаи!! спасибо вам
вот как у меня сложилась ситуация, которая ещё не закончилась... (может кому то поможет увернуться от этих уродов)
выложил обьявление на авито.ру "продаю ноут", и вот началась переписка с того что нигериец, по имени Клиф Кёртис , спросил новый ли товар
- да, ноутбук абсолютно новый. брал в январе этого года . даже месяца нет
- Please, what is the price in $?
-1000$ mouse + bag are included
- I agree with the price because it is an urgent need, I would love to come to you in person, but I'm not in Russia right now. I went for a missionary work in Norway. So i want to purchase this item for my cousin as a gift and you will make the shipment to her through post office EMS Express Mail and the courier man will come and pick the item at home? I will pay the shipping charges, shipping will cost $200. I can send the payment immediately with online Bank transfer or PayPal. Please you can send me your PayPal email OR bank name, account number and account name for quick payment. So that you can make the shipment immediately
You can also add me on skype, this is my id: cliff.curtis29
Thanks and it is nice doing business with you.
Я - Hi, Cliff
It's very nice to hear from you a positive answer. Yes, I can do the shipment from post office. Please, write me a full address.
Actually, I don't have account in PayPal system. I have only a credit card (Mastercard). Maybe I should send the bank account or credit card number?
and also.. Should I keep the Windows 7 Ultimate English version or restore the original Windows 8 Russian edition?
Thank you. It's nice doing business with you too. I appreciate it.
тут я как самый наивный повёлся!!
- Thanks for your response, I can send the payment to your bank account with online bank transfer.
Send me the following Details for the Payment.
Name of the bank:
Account number:
Account holder's name:
Total payment in dollars:
Item Name:
After you receive the payment confirmation message from my bank, you can make the shipment immediately and send the tracking number to paypal so that they can verify it and release the money to you account immediately. Am waiting to read from you.
- Hello SAHABUTDINOV, I will like to inform you that i have sent the Payment to your account (4081784*********196) for the item and the payment has been deducted from my account and has been approved but the money will not be credited to your account after you ship the item and the shipment reference/tracking number is sent to bank for verification. This security measure is embark on, due to the fact that the transaction is an international transaction so as to secure the transaction. You have to undergo through this process due to security measure and to ensure safety on the both side. You can take the parcel to the post office or Call the EMS Expressmail International Courier to come and pick the item at your home for quick shipping and make sure the item is well packed.
Here is the EMS Expressmail Telephone number : 88002005055 or 84957445544. Call them for the Pick up of the item at your Home.
Confirm the shipping address again:
Name : Oloyede Matthew
Address: No 20, winners road, Gwagwalada,
City: Abuja,
Postal Code: 23409
Country: Nigeria
Thanks for the Transaction and it is nice doing business with you!
дальше мы с ним переписывались по скайпу, потому что я нихрена не понял чо надо делать, потом вроде разрешили .. пришло письмо online bank transfer и типа деньги не передут на счёт, пока не отправите трэкинг номер.. ну я пошел на почту, подошел в ЕМS отдел, и говорю, что хочу отправить посылку в Нигерию и тут мне с ходу девушка говорит, что было много случаев, когда люди выкладывали обьявление на авито и отправляли именно в в гребанную нигерию свой товар и не получали ни копейки... тут у меня шок. я говорю им - дайте мне тогда пустой бланк . Я его не заполнил, ничего не платил, думаю раз просили отправить трэкинг намбр, так и сделаю. отправил - приходит письмо типа деньги буду перечислены в течение 4 рабочих дней..
в итоге деньги естественно не пришли, я всё почитываю в форумах эти темы о нигерии, охуеваю потихоньку, а на почту приходит письмо типа не получается проследить за посылкой - нам УЖЕ нужен скан бланка... я тут о**.. сначала писали - либо трэкинг намбр либо скан.
теперь этот долбанный ниггер вкалывает мне что типа с его счёта уже снились деньги а моей кузине нужен этот подарок..
вот последняя переписка
я - Hey Cliff! I've already sent the tracking number to Citibank email and there's no money. I'm not going to send my laptop until there is money on my bank account.
Look, I'm not stupid, I've read about this kind of shipment in the internet. Many people lost their things and money sending them to NIGERIA and didn't get any money to their bank account (Even at the Post Office they said the same thing). So, sorry I can't trust you, It's too suspicious.
Who will search the things on russian site Avito.ru and ask to send it to Nigeria? It's more expensive than sending from America. Suspicious, isn't it?
- What do you mean? My bank contacted me yesterday that they want to release the money to your account but they can not verify the shipment. The money has been deducted from my account. And i don't have access to it anymore. Am a missionary man and i don't know anything about what you are telling, i only need this item as a gift for my cousin and i have already send the payment to your account. So what do you want me to do? Please make the shipment and wait for the verify the shipment and they will release the money to your.
я - cancel the operation then
read this (ахах, вряд ли они буду читать о своих же проделках))

A big thanks to the security and protection team at Pay-Pal, and to those of you who were unfortunately victims of these scammers... who posted your stories and saved me the hastle. Thank you Thank you Thank you! Today, I joined pay-pal. My son has decided to sell some of his old video...

and there are lots of stories like this..
Your bank sent me a letter which says that I should send the tracking number. So I did. They said thanks and that the money will be received after 4 days. After 2 days they said that they need scan document from post office. What the heck is that?
When I went to post office the first day, woman from post office said to me that there were too many cases when people sent items to Nigeria and lost their money. sorry I can't risk.
-What do you mean? Did you mean you have stopped the shipment? I lost my money and my cousin have been expecting the parcel. Just try and understand me! I just had a cousin in Nigeria that is running her research programme there and I have never sent an item there before. Please
I don't have extra money to get a gift for her and her birthday is close. Make the shipment and I assure you that you will surely get your money.
дальше я от этих гадов ни одного слова не хочу слышать...
Добавлено спустя 10 мин. 50 сек. Ребят отпишитесь, чо с этим ублюдком делать..отметить его как спам и больше не беспокоиться? отправил бы кирпич с динамитом и протухшей рыбой, но жалко деньги на таких гадов