Попробуйте написать им не логинясь на РР. Тогда гарантированно Ваш вопрос расмотрит живой человек.
Мне так-же залимитили ацесс. Оказалось превысил лимит кредитных карт. Почти неделю воевал с ними. Честно объяснил причину,- мол для безопасности пользуюсь виртуалками, которые действительны в течении 40 дней. В итоге лимит то сняли, НО:
It is not recommended to use virtual credit cards with PayPal as the
maximum number of credit cards allowed in any PayPal account is 15 (прим.: на самом деле их у меная за 6 лет было порядка 50) and
the account will be limited when this number is reached.
We understand that using virtual cards is a convenient method of payment
but we must limit the number of credit cards used in PayPal due to our
agreements with credit card companies.
Our review is complete and we have restored your account.
Unfortunately, due to the number of credit card numbers you have added to
your PayPal account, our system will not allow any additional credit cards
to be added.
If you do not have a credit card registered that you are able to use, close
this account and register for a new PayPal account at your convenience.
PayPal does not recommend adding a gift card, prepaid card, virtual card,
or one time use credit cards to your PayPal account as a funding source.
Although some of these cards may be accepted, most will not function
correctly with our system due to the security checks we have in place.
PayPal is not an online store, where these type of cards were intended to
be used, and in order to properly facilitate our service, the traditional
credit card or debit card isppreciate your patience and thank you for your help in making PayPal
the safest and most trusted online payment solution.
T.e аккаунт потерял. :(