Привет всем.Знакомый зделал заказ на форте.Кто силен в английском-помогите (гугл-переводчик не справляется).Прислали ему это
после оплаты попросил трек. вот что прислали. не знаеш что это
This is the mail system at host fallback3.mail.ru.
I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster>
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.
The mail system
help@fortwestern.com>: host exchange.fortwestern.com[] said: 451
4.3.0 Message held for human verification before permitting delivery. For
help, please quote incident ID 01GEqVJpO. (in reply to end of DATA command)
Reporting-MTA: dns; fallback3.mail.ru
X-mPOP-Fallback_MX-Queue-ID: 417C7A095D93
X-mPOP-Fallback_MX-Sender: rfc822;
profil2000@mail.ru Arrival-Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 06:57:42 +0400 (MSK)
Final-Recipient: rfc822;
help@fortwestern.com Original-Recipient: rfc822;
help@fortwestern.com Action: failed
Status: 4.3.0
Remote-MTA: dns; exchange.fortwestern.com
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 451 4.3.0 Message held for human verification before
permitting delivery. For help, please quote incident ID 01GEqVJpO.
Что хотят я не пойму.