Hello to all.
I am from Canada and I am looking for hacks and mods for the blackvue DR-500GW HD. I am looking to increase the bit-rate from 7500 to 10000. I'm hoping that increasing the bitrate will improve the video quality, especially during low-light conditions.
I also want to remove the text that appears in the bottom right hand corner.
So guys what should I do?
Thank you
Good morning!
To use additional opportunities, you have to download and establish the special modified software (custom firmware v1.003a) in the registrar.
For obtaining this software you have to write the personal mail to Tehnik (
The management for use by the specified software is written in Russian. Therefore briefly I will describe that you have to make after receiving firmware:
1 . you have to develop an image of microSD on your pure microSD.
2 . after that you have to insert specified microSD into DR500GW-HD and engage a power, updating of the software will be made automatically.
3 . In a root directory of microSD you will see the avserver.sh file - with its help you can change parameters of start of the media server. By default bitrate of record already makes 12Mbit.
4 . On microSd in directory/Blackvue/citytime you have to replace.
5 . For switching of voice messages from Russian into English you have to on microSD in the /BlackVue/Config/config.ini file insert in line after [TAB1] the following line:
It everything.