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You're required to specify in your listing clearly and accurately when the item will be shipped. You're also required to ship items within 30 days from the date of purchase (see our presale listings policy for more details).
Большое спасибо пользователю appple за составление письма для eBay:
Dear Customer support, The customer bought _______from me on April 20, 2011. The total for _________ was _____, shipping costs were ______. I first tried to ship the goods via EMS on April 23, 2011. It took a little longer than expected because the EMS office moved and they didn’t accept packages until May 2, 2011. I must note that I live in a small town in the South of Russia, so we have only one international carrier office (EMS), and the nearest EMS office is about 500 kilometers away. So, I shipped the goods in a secure way when the new office finally opened – on May 2, 2011. The receipt from EMS is dated May 2, 2011, and the tracking number is ________________. This is perfectly in line with Ebay shipping rules, because the item was shipped within 30 days. The customer received his items on __________, as shown by tracking number. To compensate the customer for the delay, I refunded him $40 on May, 5, 2011 (PayPal transaction #____), and $35 on May 10, 2011 (Paypal transaction #_______). The total sum refunded is $75.
However, the buyer started to request additional refunds, threatening to leave me negative feedback. On May, _____, 2011 I received a request to refund the buyer additional $120 for 6 items, and on May, ___, 2011, I received a request to refund the buyer $300 for 6 items. The reason of the refund was not the items being not as described or being damaged or not working. The buyer wanted a refund because the buyer couldn’t resell the items and wanted me to compensate for that. Then the buyer started to bully me and to make false allegations against me. I believe such behavior to be highly unethical. I alse believe that such behavior constitutes a serios breach of Ebay policy (feedback extortion). I have reported the buyer’s feedback extortion to Ebay on May 30, 2011 (здесь должен быть идентификатор). At the moment, the buyer has a dispute opened. The reasons for opening a dispute is “The item not as described”. However, the buyer has acknowledged in his messages that the items are in full working condition, and the real reason he wants a refund is that he cannot resell it at the price he wants. I believe I cannot bear responsibility for the market conditions in Japan. I shipped the items within the 12 days (and Ebay policy allows up to 30 days for doing so), the items were received by the buyer (which is confirmed by the tracking number), the items are in full working condition.
Best regards,
Добавлено спустя 5 минут 31 секунду:
Высказывайтесь, какие пожелания - что убрать, что добавить ?
Прекрасное письмо, просто идеальное, чесслово. Но оно не влезет в окошко, там ограниченное количество знаков. У меня сейчас нет кейсов, в которых я могла бы посмотреть, так что смотрите у себя внизу под окошком для сообщения, сколько там знаков. Письмо придется подсократить немного. Что именно сократить - я не могу сказать, мне всего жалко, так что режьте уж сами. Но это письмо, полный вариант, можно послать в поддержку отдельно, на тот же адрес, куда вы жалобу на шантаж слали. Не помешает в любом случае.
Acden Таки первый вариант с элементами второго. Безнадежно.
предлагаю следующую схему работы. 1. ТС заполняет пробелы и отправляет письмо мне. Заодно написав, во сколько знаков надо уложиться. 2. Я делаю вторую редакцию и пересылаю письмо ТС. 3. ТС отправляет вторую редакцию в личку Helga для одобрения. Пункт 3, на мой взгляд, необходим, потому что я - махровый новичок. Я ни разу ничего не продавала.
Dear Customer support, The customer bought (6 наименование товара)_______from me on April 20, 2011. The total for (6 товаров)_________ was (сумма за 6 штук) _____, shipping costs were (сумма за доставку) ______. I first tried to ship the goods via EMS on April 23, 2011. It took a little longer than expected because the EMS office moved and they didn’t accept packages until May 2, 2011. I must note that I live in a small town in the South of Russia, so we have only one international carrier office (EMS), and the nearest EMS office is about 500 kilometers away. So, I shipped the goods in a secure way when the new office finally opened – on May 2, 2011. The receipt from EMS is dated May 2, 2011, and the tracking number is (трекинг номер вставить сюда) ________________. This is perfectly in line with Ebay shipping rules, because the item was shipped within 30 days. The customer received his items on (вставить дату получения по трекингу)__________, as shown by tracking number. To compensate the customer for the delay, I refunded him $40 on May, 5, 2011 (PayPal transaction # (номер транзакции по компенсации №1), and $35 on May 10, 2011 (Paypal transaction # номер транзакции по компенсаци №2). The total sum refunded is $75.
However, the buyer started to request additional refunds, threatening to leave me negative feedback. On May, (вставить дату сообщения с просьбой отдать 120 долларов) _____, 2011 I received a request to refund the buyer additional $120 for 6 items, and on May, (вставить дату сообщения с просьбой отдать 300 долларов)___, 2011, I received a request to refund the buyer $300 for 6 items. The reason of the refund was not the items being not as described or being damaged or not working. The buyer wanted a refund because the buyer couldn’t resell the items and wanted me to compensate for that. Then the buyer started to bully me and to make false allegations against me. I believe such behavior to be highly unethical. I alse believe that such behavior constitutes a serios breach of Ebay policy (feedback extortion). I have reported the buyer’s feedback extortion to Ebay on May 30, 2011 (здесь должен быть идентификатор). At the moment, the buyer has a dispute opened. The reasons for opening a dispute is “The item not as described”. However, the buyer has acknowledged in his messages that the items are in full working condition, and the real reason he wants a refund is that he cannot resell it at the price he wants. I believe I cannot bear responsibility for the market conditions in Japan. I shipped the items within the 12 days (and Ebay policy allows up to 30 days for doing so), the items were received by the buyer (which is confirmed by the tracking number), the items are in full working condition.
написано хорошо, у меня чисто по стилистике пара замечаний
I first tried to ship the goods
To compensate the customer for the delay, I refunded him $40 on May, 5, 2011 (PayPal transaction #____), and $35 on May 10, 2011 (Paypal transaction #_______). The total sum refunded is $75. лучше I issued partial refund as a compensation for this delay: $40 on May, 5, 2011 (PayPal transaction #____), and $35 on May 10, 2011 (Paypal transaction #_______). The total sum refunded to buyer is $75.
I believe such behavior to be highly unethical. I suppose мне больше нравится
Dear Customer support, Buyer bought goods from me on April 20, 2011. Total was (сумма за 6 штук) + (сумма доставки) for shipping. There is only one EMS office in my town and they couldn't accept packages until May, 2nd. Another nearest EMS office is about 500 km away. So I send items on May, 2nd, tracking# is (трекинг номер вставить сюда). The customer received his items on May ..., as shown by tracking number. I issued partial refund as a compensation for this delay: $40 on May, 5, 2011 (PayPal transaction #____), and $35 on May 10, 2011 (Paypal transaction #_______). The total sum refunded to buyer is $75.
However, the buyer started to request additional refunds, threatening to leave me negative feedback. The buyer wanted refund because couldn’t resell the items and wanted me to compensate for that. Then the buyer started to bully me and to make false allegations against me. I suppose that such behavior constitutes a serios breach of Ebay policy (feedback extortion). Best regards,
Вот попадалово... Что то мне думается, что это не японец, а какой то нигериец, живущий там. Даже от наших соплеменников такого вряд ли дождешся. А отредактированное письмо можно и здесь выложить. Разумеется без реквизитов. Вдруг еще кому понадобится. Начал замечать, что появляются темы и от продавцов.
Dear Customer support, Buyer bought items on on April 20, 2011. The total was (…) + shipping (…). I send items on May, 2nd, tracking# is (трекинг номер вставить сюда). The customer received his items on (…). I issued partial refund as a compensation for this delay: $40 on May, 5, 2011 (PayPal transaction #____), and $35 on May 10, 2011 (Paypal transaction #_______). The total sum refunded to buyer is $75. The reasons for opening a dispute is “The item not as described”. However, the buyer has acknowledged in his messages that the items are in full working condition, and the real reason he wants a refund is that he cannot resell it at the price he wants. I think I can't be responsible for the market conditions in Japan. I shipped the items within the 12 days (and Ebay policy allows up to 30 days for doing so), the items were received by the buyer (which is confirmed by the tracking number), the items are in full working condition. Best regards,
appple, прошу прощения, если вам мешаю, просто английский язык люблю KGB, удачи :lol:
Если позволите, несколько мыслей по поводу сложившейся ситуации. 1. Негативные фидбеки. Очевидно нужно подождать пока покупатель их поставит и с чистой совестью и доказательствами вымогательства, пытаться снимать их (там даже форма соответствующая есть). 2. Кейс. В саппорте работают люди и при решении споров всё очень субъективно. Думаю они с подозрением будут относится к тому факту, что деньги принимает посредник. Да, это не запрещено в правилах, но и не поощряется.
Пропустил только я там the перед существительными в множественном числе нужно убрать.
The reasons for opening a dispute is “The item not as described”. However, the buyer has acknowledged in his messages that the items are in full working condition, and the real reason he wants a refund is that he cannot resell it at the price he wants. I think I can't be responsible for the market conditions in Japan. I shipped the items within the 12 days (and Ebay policy allows up to 30 days for doing so), the items were received by the buyer (which is confirmed by the tracking number), the items are in full working condition.
The reason for opening a dispute is “The item not as described”. However, the buyer has acknowledged in his messages that items he received are in full working condition, and the real reason he wants a refund is that he cannot resell goods at the price he wants. I think I can't be responsible for market conditions in Japan. I shipped items within 12 days (and Ebay policy allows up to 30 days for doing so), parcel was received by the buyer (which is confirmed by the tracking number), items are in full working condition.
Alex_Striker поменяйте тогда уж parcel was received by the buyer.
The reason for opening a dispute is “The item not as described”. However, the buyer has acknowledged in his messages that items he received are in full working condition, and the real reason he wants a refund is that he cannot resell goods at the price he wants. I think I can't be responsible for market conditions in Japan. I shipped items within 12 days (and Ebay policy allows up to 30 days for doing so), parcel was received by the buyer (which is confirmed by the tracking number), items are in full working condition.
Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 49 секунд:
Alex_Striker спасибо, что вы присоединились к дискуссии.