Саша Мак
Всем привет!
помогите ,подскажите что мне делать если ПП адрес не совпадает с тем на который надо слать?Так как нахожусь в стране которой нет в выпадающем списке ПП,
а в CU есть. Всю неделю ин сток,но заказ на удержании так я понял. Как с ними договориться?Вот что написали:
We're still waiting for a reply from you regarding the shipping address. You had informed us that there is an error in the address, but due to the
selected payment option (PayPal) we could not make the required corrections. We wanted to know if you'd like to hold on to the order the way it is in that case,
or if you'd like to cancel it and re-order with the correct address online. Your order is on hold at the moment.
Я в ответ им написал:
May I send you a scan of my passport?
В это время пошел сделал скан,пришел домой и вижу ответ от магазина уже есть:
Thanks, but we don't need that. We just need to know if despite the error in the address we should ship the order the way it is (for example because it is not a grave error, but only a slight one and the order will probably be delivered correctly anyway), or if we should cancel the order because it is a grave mistake and should be corrected, so you can re-order online with the correct address. Due to PayPal restrictions we are not allowed to make changes to an address once the order has been transmitted through them.
Что мне делать? плиз хелп.Что то я туплю наверно...
помогите ,подскажите что мне делать если ПП адрес не совпадает с тем на который надо слать?Так как нахожусь в стране которой нет в выпадающем списке ПП,
а в CU есть. Всю неделю ин сток,но заказ на удержании так я понял. Как с ними договориться?Вот что написали:
We're still waiting for a reply from you regarding the shipping address. You had informed us that there is an error in the address, but due to the
selected payment option (PayPal) we could not make the required corrections. We wanted to know if you'd like to hold on to the order the way it is in that case,
or if you'd like to cancel it and re-order with the correct address online. Your order is on hold at the moment.
Я в ответ им написал:
May I send you a scan of my passport?
В это время пошел сделал скан,пришел домой и вижу ответ от магазина уже есть:
Thanks, but we don't need that. We just need to know if despite the error in the address we should ship the order the way it is (for example because it is not a grave error, but only a slight one and the order will probably be delivered correctly anyway), or if we should cancel the order because it is a grave mistake and should be corrected, so you can re-order online with the correct address. Due to PayPal restrictions we are not allowed to make changes to an address once the order has been transmitted through them.
Что мне делать? плиз хелп.Что то я туплю наверно...