Я забил на их просьбы закрыть диспут и получил рефунд от paypal, чего и всем желаю.Кого там "наабманули" не закрывайте ни в коем случае диспут - вас или ввяжут в их сторкредит,который вы будете упрашивать вам зачесть, или проведут через следующий заказ,очень хитрым способом)
Я для себя сделал уже вывод,что всвязи с нашествием покупателей, этот магазин очень испортился(((И никогда туда не вернусь,поэтому деньги на палке нужнее их мифических кредитов.
вот переписка с их сервисом(ответ получил только спустя неделю послеобращения к ним,но сразу после открытия диспута)
Request (Responded) from sally_chen 3/14/2011 2:40:26 PM HKT (UTC+

sorry for the missing items .
as for the missing item,would you like to resned or refund,or do the store credits?
Response from Yuri (Customer) 3/14/2011 11:36:09 PM HKT (UTC+

Hi i would like to refund.
Thank you.
Request (Responded) from sally_chen 3/17/2011 4:35:25 PM HKT (UTC+:twisted:
i have checked that you have opened a dispute.only you close the dispute,we can arranged to refund to you .
Response from Yuri (Customer) 3/18/2011 3:14:14 AM HKT (UTC+8)
Once you make a refund dispute will close automatically.
Request (Responded) from sally_chen 3/18/2011 9:19:58 AM HKT (UTC+8)
i am sorry that it is our rule that if we make a partial refund of the order ,the customer must close the dispute first.we will be assured that will refund to you.
thank you for your assistance and understand.
Response from Yuri (Customer) 3/18/2011 12:19:14 PM HKT (UTC+8)
paypal dispute it is my buyer protection, so I will not close it.
I've been waiting for your response to a request for Missing items for 7 days. There is no guarantee that this will not happen again with the refund. If I close the dispute will not be able to resume it.
So it will be closed automatically after refund or will become a claim.
Thank you.
Request (Responded) from sally_chen 3/18/2011 1:40:20 PM HKT (UTC+8)
i am sorry we can not refund you if you do not close the dispute.
Response from Yuri (Customer) 3/18/2011 3:57:48 PM HKT (UTC+8)
because we were unable to reach consensus, I started a claim on Paypal.
Thank you.
Request (Responded) from sally_chen 3/21/2011 1:29:17 PM HKT (UTC+8)
i promise you, we will refund to you. it is our rule that after the customer closes the dispute ,we can arrange to refund on our system.
so would you please close the dispute first .and other customers also close the dispute first ,then we arrange to refund them.as you know,you can see on the forum.
Response from Yuri (Customer) 3/23/2011 4:57:52 AM HKT (UTC+8)
Sally, I am really sorry, but now I can't turn around. I was waiting for a week for answer for missing items from dx, and answer will appear only after openning the dispute. So now I can't trust your company and wan't close the claim.I do not believe your company. And I do not need credits for purchases on your site, because even come down to me a charger burned out after 4 days (((
Request Response Required to Proceed from sally_chen 3/23/2011 4:05:40 PM HKT (UTC+8)
i am sorry that only you close the dispute ,we can refund you .
Добавлено спустя 7 минут 51 секунду: Так что я все равно остался обманут на одну сгоревшую зарядку(тк предъявлял претензии только на две неприсланные), а dx даже не удосужился ответить палке и я автоматом получил рефунд.
Больше ничего у них не закажу и вам советую - 4 заказа удачных,но последний сломал мой мозг((((Сервис на уровне нуля(((
Добавлено спустя 14 минут 4 секунды: Старожилы, посмотрите как они "морозят" и после всего этого - это хороший магазин?