Running the AV Server
• After the load script has been called, to run the AV Server type
# ./av_server.out
• This will list all command lines options support in the current version of the AV Server.
• The options can be entered in any order on the command line
• Note the options may change from one version to another to check the options printed on the console when using AV Server
• A brief description of the options and examples is given below
Command line option Description
Resolution related options - ONLY ONE resolution related option must be specified on the command line. If more than one are specified then the latest option is used.
720x480@30fps + 288x192 @30fps capture mode
720x480@30fps +
720x480@30fps +
288x192@30fps capture mode
1280x720@30fps +
320xl92@30fps capture mode
1280x720@30fps +
1280x720@15fps +
320x192@15fps capture mode
720P 720P_30
1280x720@30fps +
1280x720@30fps +
320x192@30fps capture mode
720P VGA
1280x720@30fps +
640x352@15fps +
320x192@15fps capture mode
1280x720@30fps +
640x352@30fps +
320x192@30fps capture mode
1600x1200@30fps in 2M or
2048x1536@15fps in 3M or
2592x1920@10fps in 5M capture mode
1280x1024@30fps +
256x192@30fps capture mode
1920x1080@30fps +
320x192@30fps capture mode
Feature options - these options are applied on all capture streams
AUDIO 8000 or AUDIO 16000 To specify Audio enable properties with sampling rate 8K or 16K
LDC Specify this option to enable usage of LDC. At run time LDC on individual stream can be enabled/disable independently. However if this option is not specified to begin with then LDC cannot be enabled at run-time
FD Face-detect is enabled. If this is not specified at command line, then FD can still be enabled at run-time
VS Specify this option to enable usage of Video Stabilization. At run time VS on individual stream can be enabled/disable independently. However if this option Is not specified to begin with then VS cannot be enabled at run-time
SNF Spatial Noise Filter is enabled. If this is not specified at command line, then it cannot be enabled at run-time
TNF Temporal Noise Filter is enabled. If this is not specified at command line, then It cannot be enabled at run-time
AEWB AEWB is enabled. If this is not specified at command line, then AEWB can still be enabled at run-time
APPR02A or TI2A This will select the AEWB vendor that needs to be running in the application. Not specifying this value will switch to APPR02A as default
DEMO This has effect only in D1_D1 mode, where second stream advanced features are switched OFF. This mode is used for demo purpose to show effectiveness of advanced features VNF (SNF+TNF), VS and LDC
VNFDEMO Switching this ON will put Appro2A in special mode where noise level is increased. This mode is used for demo purpose to show effectiveness of VNF
GBCE Dynamic Range Enhancement will be enabled. This can be switched ON/OFF over runtime also
WIN This will force the av_capture to capture at higher resolution like 1080P and resize it to desired location. This is used and effective only for ISIF_IN mode.
RTSP Enable RTSP streaming. This will call ”wis-streamer" application using the system ("./wis-streamer") call. Do not set this when AV Server is called from system_server application, since system_server will internally call wis-streamer
FLIPH Flip capture in horizontal direction. Applied to all capture streams. Flip can be enabled/disable at run-time also.
FLIPV Flip capture in vertical direction. Applied to all capture streams. Flip can be enabled/disable at run-time also.
OSD OnScreen Display is enabled. If this is not specified at command line, then it cannot be enabled at run-time
DM365/DM368 Specify the platform so that usecases are tuned as per the platform used
LOADPRM Load tuning parameter from a previously saved file. If file is not found the IPIPE parameters compiled in the code are used instead.
MENUOFF By default a UART UI menu is display on the console, this menu allows some simple control of the AV Server while It is running. However when running for another application or in background, this menu needs to switch off by using this option
Encode Stream options - use the below options to specify the different types of encodes that are required. Specify these options multiple times for single, dual or triple encode use-case. The encode are applied on capture stream in the order in which they are specified, See example below for details
H264 <bitrate> <rcType> <preset> Enable H264 compression with specified bitrate. Make sure bitrate, rate control type and preset are not omitted. Valid rcType = CVBR or VBR or CBR. Valid preset = AUTO or CUSTOM
MPEG4 <bitrate> <rcType> <preset> Enable MPEG4 compression with specified bitrate. Make sure bitrate, rate control type and preset are not omitted. Valid rcType = CVBR or VBR or CBR Valid preset = AUTO or CUSTOM
MJPEG <qfactor> Enable MJPEG compression with specified quality factor. Make sure quality factor are not omitted
• Single stream H264 720P 4Mbps with AEWB, FD, VS, LDC, RTSP streaming
# ./av_server.out DM365 AUDIO 8000 720P AEWB TI2A FD VS LDC RTSP H264 4000000 VBR AUTO
• No compression, no advanced features, no AEWB, streaming, just D1 live capture, useful for sensor and image quality debugging
# ./av_server.out D1
• Triple stream, H264 720P 4Mbps, MJPEG VGA Qfactor=75, H264 QVGA 512Kbps, AEWB, RTSP, FD
# ./av server.out DM365 720P VGA 30 H264 4000000 VBR AUTO MJPEG 75 H264 512000 VBR AUTO AEWB APPR02A RTSP FD OSD