Да уж. Повелся на imx222. Потом отчасти пожалел. В описании нет даже комплекта поставки...Очень много продавцов на самом деле не имеют товара и закупают его на таобао после оплаты. Этот, похоже, не исключение.
Да, она самая(а может быть и не она=) в Китае думаю, много Элис Женг).Alice Zeng?
отличная тетка, реально замечательный продаван.
может вы просто ее задрали вопросами?ardon:
Чтоб не быть голословным код катом вся переписка.
К слову стоило мне поругать продавца, как он вышел на связь, но про фотки он "забыл"
Alice Zeng
2014-06-29 22:52:30
ok, thanks
2014-06-29 21:23:19
Hello Alice.
No problem. Wanted to be safe. Sometimes it happens that the parcel arrives to the wrong content. With photos parcels would be calmer.
I'll wait for the parcel.
Good luck to you
Alice Zeng
2014-06-29 19:00:27
Dear Andrei,
I think our workmate forget to take photos because we send a lot of parcel each day.
May we know is there any problem for you? why do you need the photos?
2014-06-27 13:43:51
Did you make the photos parcel before sending?
Best regards.
2014-06-19 22:55:20
Alice Zeng
2014-06-19 22:44:53
The model DA-IP8820TRV-POE CPU is TI368, sensor is Sony IMX222. the information is correct.
And we will send to you as soon as we can.
2014-06-19 22:14:18
I hope that you mentioned characteristics coincide with those that will be in the finished product.
Immediately warn if there are discrepancies in characteristics will be take action as a dispute and refund
I hope for your understanding.
Please do not forget to send photos parcels.
Best regards.
Alice Zeng
2014-06-19 18:58:25
Sorry, it is our mistake.
The model DA-IP8820TRV-POE CPU is TI368, sensor is Sony IMX222.
CPU: TI368, Sensor: Aptina 9P006 This is our 5mp camera.
2014-06-19 10:46:21
In the description of this model is written "1/3" CMOS Sony IMX222 sensor"...
you answered that "Sensor: Aptina 9P006"...
what to believe?
wait a little bit with dispatch. Let's find out the details. Maybe pay extra money to take a more expensive model.
Alice Zeng
2014-06-19 08:42:17
CPU: TI368
Sensor: Aptina 9P006
And may we know your full name please?
2014-06-19 04:17:13
What installing DSP in this camera?
Please take a picture packed parcel and send photo to me.
If you can, specify the name of goods in customs declaration "electronics".
Best regards.
2014-06-29 22:52:30
ok, thanks
2014-06-29 21:23:19
Hello Alice.
No problem. Wanted to be safe. Sometimes it happens that the parcel arrives to the wrong content. With photos parcels would be calmer.
I'll wait for the parcel.
Good luck to you
Alice Zeng
2014-06-29 19:00:27
Dear Andrei,
I think our workmate forget to take photos because we send a lot of parcel each day.
May we know is there any problem for you? why do you need the photos?
2014-06-27 13:43:51
Did you make the photos parcel before sending?
Best regards.
2014-06-19 22:55:20
Alice Zeng
2014-06-19 22:44:53
The model DA-IP8820TRV-POE CPU is TI368, sensor is Sony IMX222. the information is correct.
And we will send to you as soon as we can.
2014-06-19 22:14:18
I hope that you mentioned characteristics coincide with those that will be in the finished product.
Immediately warn if there are discrepancies in characteristics will be take action as a dispute and refund
I hope for your understanding.
Please do not forget to send photos parcels.
Best regards.
Alice Zeng
2014-06-19 18:58:25
Sorry, it is our mistake.
The model DA-IP8820TRV-POE CPU is TI368, sensor is Sony IMX222.
CPU: TI368, Sensor: Aptina 9P006 This is our 5mp camera.
2014-06-19 10:46:21
In the description of this model is written "1/3" CMOS Sony IMX222 sensor"...
you answered that "Sensor: Aptina 9P006"...
what to believe?
wait a little bit with dispatch. Let's find out the details. Maybe pay extra money to take a more expensive model.
Alice Zeng
2014-06-19 08:42:17
CPU: TI368
Sensor: Aptina 9P006
And may we know your full name please?
2014-06-19 04:17:13
What installing DSP in this camera?
Please take a picture packed parcel and send photo to me.
If you can, specify the name of goods in customs declaration "electronics".
Best regards.