Получила любопытное письмо от usps , по кейсу , открытому от имени клиента . Особое внимание привлекает выделенный шрифтом абзац .
1)пакет ушел на экспорт ( ушел ли ???? ) из Шарапова 16.04.2020 20:24:16
2) после ответа usps все данные на сайте usps по пакету обнулились .
Собственно письмо :
Dear ххххххх ,
This is in response to your inquiry regarding the delivery of a package. Please accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience this matter may have caused you.
The Postal Service is aware of the frustration and disappointment caused when we do not live up to our commitment of safe and reliable mail service.
Upon further investigation, your package is located in Russia. The package has not been transferred over to the United States Postal Service. We are experiencing delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Naturally overseas packages will take longer to get to it's destination. Please be patient and continue to wait for the arrival of your package.
An apology is no substitute for good service, but I want to offer one on behalf of the Postal Service. We appreciate your reporting this matter to us. It helps to know the kinds of difficulties our customers have so we can work toward improvements. The information you have provided will be shared with management as they continue their efforts to improve service performance in your area.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this matter with you. If you have any questions, please contact me.