подскажите кто нибудь. прошил на 4.0.4 теперь никак не могу понять как поставить рекавери и рут?
Hongkong Post - Notices 20 July 2012 Prohibition on Sending Prohibited or Dangerous Articles and Notes for Completion of Details of Mail Contents on Customs Declaration Form Recently, there has been an emerging concern on dangerous articles such as perfumery products, lighters and lithium batteries sent through the postal channel. Besides, more cases involving failure to provide truthful or detailed description of mail contents on the customs declaration form have been found. In the circumstances, non-compliance with relevant requirements will lead to delay or return of mail. The senders will in some cases be liable to prosecution. Senders should therefore note the following: (1) In accordance with the requirements of Universal Postal Union, International Civil Aviation Organization and International Air Transport Association, all dangerous articles such as perfumery products, lighters and lithium batteries are not admissible for posting by air mail (including Speedpost). For details on prohibited articles, please refer to Section 6.3 of the Post Office Guide. (2) Senders must provide a detailed and truthful description (i.e. details, quantity and weight or volume, etc.) of mail contents on the customs declaration form. Generic terms such as food, sample, cosmetics, electronic accessories and toy accessories are not acceptable. For cosmetics and liquids, the specific name and quantity/volume should be stated in detail, e.g. lipstick 1 no., eyeliner 1 no., foundation cream 1 no., skin toner 100 ml, shampoo 100 ml, etc.
едва ли... он же не несет ответственности за изменения в работе почты...Можно продавцу предъявить что-нибудь
От же сцуковане!! Спустя 8 дней после якобы отправки UGOOD написал, что почта Гонгконга не пересылает аккумуляторы и поэтому отправили почтой Китая. А типа до этого не знали, что почта Гонгконга запретила пересылку... Ну капец, успел телефон вовремя... Дали трек RA..CN, ещё нигде не светится.
а чего ты такого там запускать собрался, что 512 мало стало?но нужен с 1 ГБ RAM как в ТС.