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Please wait for a site operator to respond.In some occasions, our operators are chatting with 8 to 10 customers at the same time. You may have to wait half a minute for a reply.Thanks for your patience. You are now chatting with 'Otta' Otta 18:24:45 Hello,Welcome to Dinodirect´s Live-chat. How may I help you? Seasons are changing, are your clothes changing? If not, we are now providing you fantastic chothes. Check it here You are now chatting with 'Otta' mainfrm@mail.ru 18:25:32 Hello. I bought AINOL Novo 8 Tablet PC (http://www.dinodirect.com/tablet-pc...blet-pc-cortex-a9-tablet-pc-currency-EUR.html). Is there something wrong with the price, why so cheap? When will send the item? Otta 18:25:49 I would like to check it for you, would you please kindly wait for a few minutes? mainfrm@mail.ru 18:25:54 ok mainfrm@mail.ru 18:33:11 are you here? Otta 18:35:05 yes Otta 18:35:20 sorry, we have checked this price is not correct Otta 18:35:26 we are afraid we cannot send it out mainfrm@mail.ru 18:36:24 so bad… refund? Otta 18:39:18 ok Otta 18:39:26 we would like to refund you in 1 to 3 working days Otta 18:39:33 sorry for the inconvenience mainfrm@mail.ru 18:40:07