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Подскажите, что вы писали палке, чтобы поменяли? Мне пришел ответ с ссылками и инструкцией, в которой говорится про скан паспорта, вод. удостоверения... Соотвественно, в целях своей безопасности не буду этого им давать..
Добавлено спустя 1 час 43 минуты 21 секунду:
Есть кто живой? Мне нужно купить не дешевый товар, хотелось бы ускорить процесс.... Помогите пожалуйста!!! Адрес поменял сам..
На главной странице аккаунта жмём справа Contact us. Выбираем под заголовоком Email us - Send us. Выбираем My Account и Name Change. Внизу в поле для Summarize your question in one sentence пишем "How do I change my name from RUSSIAN to ENGLISH letters?"
Спасибо. Вчера писал им следующее: How i can change my information in English? I wrote it in Russian and now i have some problems with sellers. Thanks!
Сегодня получил ответ:
Thank you for contacting PayPal with your query. I am happy to help.
I have reviewed both your email and your account and in order to update your address, please follow these steps:
We’re introducing a new and improved Profile to some customers. Until all customers are using the new Profile, there are 2 sets of instructions on how to do this. Please follow the instructions that match what you see on the site.
Here’s how to update your Street Address:
1. Go to www.paypal.com and log in to your account. 2. Click ‘Profile’ near the top of the page. 3. Click ‘Street Address’ under ‘Account Information’ and then click ‘Edit.’ 4. Enter your address information and click ‘Save.’
1. Go to www.paypal.com and log in to your account. 2. Click ‘Profile’ near the top of the page. 3. Click 'Update' beside 'Address.' 4. Enter your address information and click ‘Save.'
Mr. Геннадий, if you would like to update your name from Russian to English, please follow these steps:
Here’s how you change the name on your account if there is an error in your name:
1. Go to www.paypal.com and log in to your account. 2. Click 'Help' at the top of the page. 3. Enter 'How do I change my name?' in the search window and click 'Search. 4. From the search results, select 'How do I change the name on my Personal/Premier PayPal account?' and then click ‘secure form.’ 5. Select ‘Personal Name Change (incorrect at signup or minor name change)’ and click ‘Continue.’ 6. If you are correcting a minor error in your name, select ‘Yes.’ 7. Enter the correct spelling of your first and last names and click ‘Continue.’
Depending on the type of change you want to make, you may need to provide additional documents by uploading or faxing them to us.
I hope that I have been able to assist you and the information I have provided has helped resolve your issue.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Sincerely, Selim PayPal
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Ух скока букв!!! Сама по приведенной инструкции на днях меняла Имя и Фамилию в Палке на латиницу. Все прошло ОК! Через несколько часов на почту пришло письмо от службы поддержки уже с измененными ИО и наилучшими пожеланиями. :good: