Вы используете устаревший браузер. Этот и другие сайты могут отображаться в нем неправильно. Необходимо обновить браузер или попробовать использовать другой.
Registration blocked. Users whose registered status is blocked must resolve any outstanding complaints on file before proceeding. Please resolve all outstanding complaints and try again.
* Make a one-time payment to pay your outstanding balance in full. * Learn more about account suspension.
была задолженность за фии . выплатил . Если проблема в этом(хотя не факт...через сколько времени откроют?
1.Заблокировали пейпел посредника,через которого я принимал платежи 2.За не вовремя уплаченные fee
за второе я не переживаю..вот если за первое..есть ли шансы будет его открыть?там куча оплаченных лотов ..кстати,все лоты,которые в графе win были,на мыло пришли такого типа сообщения..что они значать??
Dear eBay Community Member, The bid that you entered for the item (**********) has been cancelled. You can view the reason provided for the cancellation by selecting the (bid history) link from the individual item page.
Please be cautious if you are contacted about purchasing this item after the bid has been cancelled and as always avoid paying for your eBay item using instant wire transfer services through Western Union or MoneyGram as these payment methods are unsafe when paying someone you do not know.
Меня засуспендили за то же самое... типа я отменил какую-то ставку, которую в жизни не отменял, но мне кажется что это липовая причина, по которой ибей решил от вас избавиться...
ubject: Thank you for writing eBay in regard to the suspension of your account.
I understand your concern and will help you resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Your account was suspended under the "Abusing eBay" section of the eBay User Agreement. This section states that eBay may suspend a user's account if we think that the user is creating problems (legal or otherwise) or acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies.
To have your account considered for reinstatement, please fax us both of the following:
- *Completed* Request for Reinstatement form (To be processed, the form must include the User ID and email address of the suspended account that you're appealing, as well as a working phone number.) - Copy of your driver's license or other government issued ID with your name and address clearly visible
Include *one* of the following:
- Copy of a recent credit card statement (copy of the actual credit card is not acceptable) - Copy of a recent bank statement - Copy of a recent utility bill
To print a copy of the Request for Reinstatement form, go to:
eBay's Online Customer Service provides you with the information you need to buy and sell. If you can’t find the answer, we’ll connect you with one of our team members.
Also, please submit copies of invoices or any other documents, such as a sales receipt, showing purchase or possession of the items listed for sale before your account was suspended.
If this type of documentation isn't available, you can submit your photograph with the items. Please make sure that your User ID is clearly displayed in the image.
***Important*** All contact information listed on the documents that you submit with your appeal must be consistent with the contact information listed on your registered eBay account. If any differences exist, you must provide an explanation for these discrepancies, as well as documentation that confirms your explanation.
If your eBay contact information is your work address, please send official documentation to validate this.
***Important*** Be sure to include the User ID and email address of the suspended account that you're appealing on the Request for Reinstatement Form. If your fax doesn't contain this information, we won't be able to process it.
U.S. Fax Number: 1-877-349-1798 International Fax Number: 001 + 801-545-2700
Please allow 48 to 72 hours for your request for appeal to be processed. Sending us an email before that time may delay your request.
You can also mail your documentation to the following address:
eBay SafeHarbor Dept. Attn: PA Appeals PO Box 1469 Draper, UT 84020
Information submitted by mail will take longer to process, due to the delay in our receiving it.
***Privacy Note*** Any documents submitted to us will be destroyed after the information has been reviewed and verified. If you're concerned about including your credit card number, you can black out all but the first and last four digits. However, your full name and address must be legible for us to process your request.
Поищите по форуму ну или по моим ответам месяца 3-4 назад наверное, в одной из тем я писал на этот счет, мой акк блокировали не один раз, причем тоже самое на пустом месте, linked account и долго все тянулось. Все необходимые документы отправлял по факсу и в ebay и в paypal. Собственно готовите документы и отправляете по факсу и.... ждете.
eBay's Online Customer Service provides you with the information you need to buy and sell. If you can’t find the answer, we’ll connect you with one of our team members.
lossk, не стОит копировать свой вопрос в разных ветках. Его и в одной все увидят. И сформулируйте вопрос более конкретно. У Вас проблемы с английским, или что-то другое не понятно?
lossk В IE8: Файл-->печать. Распечатайте, заполните от руки все поля: Name:-имя и фамилия на транслите (транслит здесь:http://www.translit.ru/) User ID: Ваш логин на ибее, выберите сами Email Address: думаю понятно Address: улица, дом, квартира City, State, Zip Code: город, область, индекс Telephone Number: думаю понятно (Signature - Required)- Ваша подпись, (Date)-дата заполнения После заполнения сканируете и файл скана отправляете по указанному на странице телефону. Если проблемы с отправкой факса-проще сходите на почтовое отделение, Вам там за символическую плату отправят факс. Что не поняли-спрашивайте.
* The contact information on my account is complete, current and valid. * I have read and agree to abide by eBay's policy against violating the eBay User Agreement.
Abusing eBay: Without limiting other remedies, we may limit, suspend, or terminate our service and user accounts, prohibit access to our website, remove hosted content, and take technical and legal steps to keep users off the Site if we think that they are creating problems, possible legal liabilities, or acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies. We also reserve the right to cancel unconfirmed accounts.
Required information in order to be considered for reinstatement: Name: User ID: Email Address: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone Number: (May not be a fax, pager or disconnected number)
IMPORTANT: When faxing this page, please be sure to also provide proof that your eBay registration information is valid in the form of a copy of a recent credit card statement clearly showing the first and last 4 digits of the card number and your billing address. Please be sure to block out the middle numbers of your credit card with a black marker in order to ensure your security. We will also need a copy of your driver's license or other government issued ID.