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MC011 We restricted your account



10 Июн 2021
Добрый день, Biro. С началом этой истории вы уже знакомы по этой теме:
Сегодня прилетело письмо от ebay "MC011 We restricted your account", не знаю, связано ли оно напрямую с тем кейсом.

We restricted your account because we noticed activity that we believe is a risk to our community.

This restriction means the following:
- Your selling privileges are temporarily restricted. You won’t be able to create new listings or revise any listings that are live on our site. You also can’t register a new account at this time.
- If you're a seller participating in managed payments, we are withholding your future payouts. You’ll start getting paid again after you resolve your restriction and your account is reinstated.
- Some of your listings may have been removed. You’ll find details of any listings we removed below.
- All fees paid or payable for listings that are ended and/or hidden from search will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account.

To help us remove the restriction on your account, you’ll need to:
- Resolve any outstanding issues with buyers through the eBayResolution Center.
More specific details are provided below.

Once you complete these requirements, reply to this email, and we’ll review your account. We may ask you to provide additional information during our review.

We removed the following listings:
184646385202 - DENON DL-305 Cartridge
184278780519 - 12PCS Coilover Shock Upper Mount Pillow Ball Spherical Bearing OD33mm ID18mm
184925708209 - 2PCS Coilover Shock Upper Mount Pillow Ball Spherical Bearing OD28mm ID14mm
184155756634 - 2PCS Coilover Shock Upper Mount Pillow Ball Spherical Bearing OD30mm ID16mm
184248943507 - 5PCS Coilover Shock Upper Mount Pillow Ball Spherical Bearing OD33mm ID18mm
184281734249 - 2PCS Coilover Shock Upper Mount Pillow Ball Spherical Bearing OD33mm ID18mm

The safety of our community is a top priority for us. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.



В ответ я спросил у поддержки, в чем причина блокировки и что мне нужно делать чтоб ее снять.

Hello Maxim,

Thank you for contacting eBay. My name is Sai Prasad and I’ll be glad to address your concerned about the restriction placed on the account.

I understand that you want to get the restriction removed from your account. We're always looking for ways to improve the buyer and seller experience. As part of this effort, we sometimes restrict selling privileges, remove listings from our website, or suspend accounts until we can verify certain information. These actions aren't necessarily meant to be a reflection of your account activity, but rather a preventative measure.

I can see that you have unresolved case in your resolution center. In order to appeal this restriction, I would suggest you to resolve all pending cases in your resolution center. To visit the eBay Resolution Center, click on the link below:

You may need to sign into your eBay account before proceeding. In the Resolution Center you will find information on resolving problems with your buyer.

To evaluate your account further, I would recommend you to send mentioned documents to verify your details.. For your ease, I have shared the list of documents below which would help us to evaluate and uplifting the restriction from your eBay account.

Proof of Merchandise/ Ownership:

1. Invoices from suppliers showing supplier's name, contact information, date and invoice number. Invoices must be itemized and include pricing information per item.

2. Receipts from retail stores and outlets that include store name, location and contact details.

3. Proof of payment for invoices and/or receipts. Proof of payment can be in the form of confirmed wire transfers, credit card receipts, cheque, credit card statements, or PayPal Transaction Detail statements.

4. Supplier contract

You can attach the scan copies of the documents in the given link:

Please note: eBay cannot accept the any link provided for verification of any documents also we are unable to access the third party image hosting sites due to security reasons.

Once we receive the required documents; we will surely review your account and take necessary action. We look forward to receiving your documents and resolving this issue.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this situation.

Kind Regards,

Sai Prasad D.

eBay Customer Support

На что я спросил, что мне делать, если у меня таких документов нет.

Hello Maxim,

We can understand your frustration in wanting more information regarding what led us to take this action on your account and request the information that we have. Please understand that we have a responsibility to ensure eBay is a safe and secure place to trade. EBay is taking a tougher stand to prevent fraud and negative buying experiences on our site. To maintain a safe marketplace we sometimes request additional information from sellers even if they have excellent feedback and a great record on eBay.

There are many reasons that might contribute to our decision to learn more about a seller. Factors we consider are the kinds of items being sold, number of items being sold, cost of those items, how long an account has been registered on the site, how much experience that account has had selling items, the amount of feedback they have, etc. We are unable to get into specifics about what we look for due to security concerns.

However, we can say that based on some of these factors we determined that we wanted additional information about your business model before permitting additional sales. This does not mean you did anything wrong. we want a chance to verify information about your business to give eBay and your customers increased confidence.

We realize that this may be frustrating and inconvenient, but we believe that not implementing these security measures would foster an unreliable and untrustworthy marketplace. There are websites that do not attempt to verify the goods sold through them.. Many of these websites consequently suffer from more bad buying experiences. Customers know this and often choose not to use those websites. To maintain a level of safety and integrity, we believe that making an extra effort to verify information about our members is a necessity.

If you would like to have the account considered for reinstatement then we require that you proceed with the appeals process as previously outlined.. We fully understand if you would not like to continue your appeal. However, if you decide not to provide the information that we have requested, your account will remain in the limited status that it is currently in.

Thank you for your understanding.

-- Note --

- It may take up to 3 business days to review your information.

We appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter as quickly as possible. We look forward to working with you to restore your selling privileges.

Kind Regards,

eBay Trust and Safety

Документов на данный товар от китайских поставщиков у меня нет, так как работаю через посредника. Потом вспомнил, что когда у меня кончался товар, я покупал некоторое количество в магазине, продавая в ноль, чтоб сохранить активность аккаунта и получать отзывы. Нашел чеки и накладные на эти покупки. Отсканировал, отправил им.

Hello Maxim,

We received your appeal for your eBay account and appreciate you taking the time to gather the required documentation. Unfortunately, after reviewing the submitted documentation we noticed that it was either incomplete or illegible. We understand if this process has been inconvenient for you and we want to continue processing your appeal as quickly as possible. In order for us to complete the review of your account, we ask that you please provide some additional information. We have outlined the requirements below:

Please also allow us to explain what information we still need:

- A copy of a credit card or bank statement showing your payment of the (invoices/receipts/order confirmations) previously provided. Your name and billing address should be visible, and consistent with the information registered to your eBay account.

We appreciate you taking the time and effort to compile this information. Please upload the above requested information to the following link below:

1. Click on the above link and sign in using your eBay user ID and password.

2. Click ‘Continue’

3. Select the documents needing to be uploaded by clicking ‘Browse’. Once they are selected, choose the Document Type from the drop down list.

4. Select send and wait for the confirmation to appear to ensure your documents have been submitted for review

-- Note --

- It may take up to 3 business days to review your information.

We appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter as quickly as possible and look forward to receiving your documentation.

Kind Regards,

eBay Trust and Safety

В общем, на накладные от 2020 года выписку сделать возможности нет, так как оплачивал наличными. На накладные с чеками от 2021 года сделал банковскую выписку по карте, отослал в поддержку. На данный момент жду ответа. Есть шансы на разблокировку? Обидно, что 2 года добросовестных продаж со 100% положительными отзывами может улететь коту под хвост. Еще обиднее, что можно потерять аккаунт и очень проблемно завести новый. А я как раз только решил расширить ассортимент и закупил товара на немалую сумму.


30 Мар 2012
9 622
2 757
Нью - Йорк, США, Skype: biro_bidjan
@Fassmer, добрый день. У вас достаточно сложная ситуация. Жаль, что вы ко мне не обратились до того как начали ваши продажи. В вашем случае необходимо предоставить поддержке всё что они запрашивают. Доводов что документов нет, к сожалению, они не принимают. Расскажите также пожалуйста чем закончилась ваша история по ссылке. Закрыли ли вы спор, вернули ли деньги клиенту и проч.


10 Июн 2021
История по ссылке ещё не закончилась. Получил фотографии от parcelforce посылки на пороге открытой двери дома получателя, по посылке видно что она уже потрошенная и перепакованая. То есть покупатель чист. Дал ебею согласие на возврат денег покупателю с их "treasury account" и последующим включением этой суммы в ежемесячный инвойс ебея, который я смогу оплатить картой прямо на ебей через "make a single payment". Они предупреждали, что сначала эту сумму попытаются снять с меня через automatic payment method (пэйпал). Так и произошло, счёт пэйпала опять в минусе, поддержка пишет что попытка возмещения не удалась, теперь наш специалист должен одобрить возврат (видимо с их счета), это может занять 2-3 дня, затем мы выставим вам инвойс.

По документам - тут вообще на грани - нашел старые накладные и чеки на подобный товар, который я покупал для себя в магазине. Скинул им. Сказали этого недостаточно, нужны выписки с этими суммами, подтверждающие что именно вы оплачивали данные чеки, с ФИО и адресом. Опять же, из пяти чеков я три оплачивал наличкой, два картой. Сделал выписку на эти две операции - и они сняли блок. Проблема в том, что я хочу расширить ассортимент, ко мне едет куча товара из Китая. Но оплачивал я его через посредника. И если в будущем ебей опять докопается до меня с таким вопросом (а докопается ли?) Лучше сразу перестраховаться и купить в местных магазинах подобного товара в количестве штук 20?


30 Мар 2012
9 622
2 757
Нью - Йорк, США, Skype: biro_bidjan
Большое спасибо за подробные детали. Обычно для таких количеств товара ожидают наличие документов по их покупке, доставке вам. Накладные, счет фактуры, выписки из банка по переводу средств и проч. Порой даже с товарами фотографируются, для убедительности.

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