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Заблокировали аккаунт навсегда. Не понимаю в чем дело.



30 Ноя 2019
Осторожно, тема содержит полную историю переписки с ebay на английском)

Когда-то давно завел аккаунт на ebay. Ничего так и не купил, продавать даже не планировал, короче забыл про него, вообще не заходил несколько лет. И вот недавно у меня возникла потребность кое-что купить. Данных старого аккаунта я не вспомнил, восстановить пароль не получилось. Создал новый ак, на ту же почту, что и старый (есть такая возможность, даже письмо официальное пришло, что после подтверждения почты я не смогу воспользоваться старым аккаунтом), кинул один товар в корзину, больше ничего не делал. Через три дня аккаунт заблокировали и прислали следующее письмо:

Hello miron5826,
After reviewing your eBay account, recent activity has raised serious security concerns. As a result, we've taken the following action on your account:
- Your eBay account has been suspended indefinitely.
- Item listings have been removed. A list of removed items is available further down in this email.

You won't be able to use eBay in any way. This includes using another existing account or registering a new account. Any outstanding selling fees are due immediately, and any amounts that you haven't previously disputed will be charged to the billing method currently on file.

We've taken this precaution to protect our members while we make sure that the activity doesn't cause harm -- however unintentionally -- to the eBay community.

Я написал в тех. поддержку практически тоже самое, что написал в первом абзаце этой темы, мне дружелюбно ответили:

Hello Илья,

Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Support regarding your eBay account. My name is Shekhar and I will help you further with resolving the issue.

Илья, I am sorry to know that you facing issues with your eBay account. Be assured, we definitely want you to start buying on our site.

I have reviewed your account details and found that your account was restricted as it was created with incomplete registration details. Registration of new account should be proper with all information required such as Full name, Residence address, Phone number etc.

Your account is currently under verification process and to further evaluate your account, we would require some documents (color copy) from your end. For your ease, I have shared the list of documents below and the method of sending them to us.

>>Proof of Identity (Any one):

1. International Passport (First & Last page)
2. Driving License

Generally, these documents have information in both Russian + English languages. Also, they have a Date of expiration. This helps us in verifying the details further.

>>Proof of Address (Any one):

Document should contain your current residence address which you have mentioned at the time of registration on eBay.

1. Electricity/ Water/ Gas Bill
2. Bank statement
3. Credit card statement

You can provide the documents by uploading them on the link below

Once we receive your reply we'll then surely review your account. Please feel free to get back to us in case you need further help.

I respect your cooperation and patience in dealing with this matter. Thank you for using eBay.

Kind Regards,

eBay Trust and Safety

*Machine translation was used to interpret and/ or create the above message. No translation is perfect, so we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the resulting translations. If there are any errors, ambiguities, or conflicts between the translation and the original English language message, the English language message will be considered the controlling communication.

мой ответ: прикрепил все документы и написал комментарий

first document - russian driver license

I don’t remember what address I indicated when registering for ebay. And I can’t see the address, because the account is blocked. I have two current addresses.

First address of my parents home. All legal documents are drawn up at this address. In this house I am registered at the place of permanent residence. Confirmed by bank statement.

The second address is the address of the apartment I rent for work. I am not the owner of this apartment, therefore utility bills do not come in my name, but in the name of the landlady. To confirm that I live in this apartment and pay bills, I attach an electricity bill.

Depending on where I am at the moment, I can order delivery to any of these two addresses.

ответ ebay:

Hello Илья,

Thank you for writing back to eBay Customer Service regarding your account status. I appreciate your effort in providing us the documents that was requested from you to reinstate your account. No worries Илья, I am here to further assist you with this.

Our main objective is to keep eBay a safe place to buy and sell items online. This is the reason why we placed a temporary restriction to your account. We mainly wish to further verify the details in your account. Once verified, the account restriction will be lifted and you can therefore use your account as normal again.

As you have now provided the requested documents, the best recommendation that we can give you is to contact us through phone so we can complete the verification process of your account.

Here's how you can contact us:

1. Click "Help and Contact" at the top of most eBay pages.
2. Click "Account holds, restrictions, and suspensions".
3. Click on "Call Us" at the bottom of the page
5. You'll find the number to call with the one-time pass code. Once you have entered this information, the next available representative will assist you.

You may contact them directly to be assisted this is their phone number: 866-305-3229

Our Live Help Team is available 24/7.

We would also recommend keeping the phone number on your account up to date, and including your mobile number as a secondary phone number. That way if you are asked to repeat the verification, you can use the automated process.

I trust that this information I've provided guides you on how to resolve this matter. I assure you these files are properly documented Thank you for your understanding with our security measures.

говорить на английском языке я вообще не могу никак, полный ноль + я по указанному пути не смог найти никакого номера, только связь по email. Да и звонить в америку по мобиле наверное дороговато будет, поэтому написал следующее:

I can not call you. In the described way only email communication is available. Direct contact by number 866-305-3229 is also not possible, since I cannot speak English (I use Google translate for letters) + a call from Russia to America with a mobile phone costs a lot of money. Are there any other ways to verify my account?

ответ ebay:

Hello Илья,

Thank you for writing to eBay about the status of your account.

Upon checking the details of this on my end, I can confirm that your account has been suspended because of the concerns we have about its safe use. This is part of our verification process. This is just to ensure that eBay is partnering with a responsible seller and buyer on the site.

To appeal for the suspension placed on your account, kindly answer these questions below:

1. May I know what are your plans here on eBay? Do you plan to purchase and sell items on the site?

2. If you plan to sell items, may I know what items are you planning to sell on the site and may I know how did you obtain it? If you plan to focus on purchasing items, can you share with me what kinds of items are you planning to purchase on the site and may I know what payment method are you planning to use?

3. Once an item has been sold, may I know how long will it take for you to be able to post the item to the buyer? If you purchased an item, may I know how long will it take for you to be able to pay for the item you have purchased?

You can answer these questions by replying to this email or you can also contact us through Phone or Live Chat for a real-time response by accessing the link below:

We look forward in receiving your response and solving this matter as soon as possible.

Мой честный ответ:

1. I plan only to purchase items.
2. Basically, I plan to purchase spareparts for my motorcycle. Also maybe I will buy various things for personal use.
For payment I plan to use bank card.
3. In online stores I always pay for the item at the time of purchase. Immediately, wihout delay.

Ну и на этом все, ebay меня послал:

Thank you for providing requested documents to verify your newly created account and its current status.

In order to keep our website a safer place for buyers and sellers, your account will be restricted from buying and selling indefinitely.
Our decision is based on evidence from our records. We feel that they don't help to promote a positive buying and selling environment.
Please remember that you can't use other accounts or register new accounts to sell or buy on eBay. If you do, your accounts could be limited, restricted, or suspended.
I know this isn't the response you were hoping for, but I hope it helps to explain our position clearly.

Моя попытка выяснить что за записи такие у них:

Can I find out what exactly is in your records?
I am sure that I did not commit any illegal actions.
I did not have time to do anything at all, I just put the item in the basket, that's all.

Опять вежливое отшивание и блокировка без права апелляции:


Thank you for contacting us regarding the status of your account miron5826. I understand you'd like to know why your account has been suspended, so let me look into this and explain this further.

I understand how important it is for you to resolve this issue, so I've checked your records and it's showing here that you've got suspended due to the activity performed in the usage of the account, this may have something to do with your information registration, buying activity, selling activity or the behaviour on the account which does not comply with eBay User Agreement. Due to eBay's privacy and security policies, we can't share the specific details about that has resulted to your suspension, as it could help members' intent on breaching our policies to avoid detection.

We want to keep eBay a safe and enjoyable place to buy and sell. We may suspend an account if we have cause for concern. It's with much regret to inform you that the suspension placed in your account doesn't have an appeal process to help resolve this and will remain in place.

You'll find more detail on this under the 'Abusing eBay' heading of the eBay User Agreement. To read this, please open a new window on your browser and copy this link into it:

I know this isn't the response you were hoping for, but the decision is final and cannot be overturned even if you may try to contact us back. Thanks for using eBay, you do have a wonderful day ahead.

Итог: ничего не покупал, ничего не продавал, никого не обманывал, видимо что-то не так указал при регистрации,в итоге пожизненный бан без права обжалования и "wonderful day ahead". Конечно я спокойно смогу прожить без ebay, но как-то меня эта ситуация задела, несправедливо вышло на мой взгляд. Буду рад, любым советам, может еще не все потеряно и можно восстановить аккаунт?


9 Янв 2011
Очевидно, что не стоило заводить аккаунт на тот же емейл.
И, видимо, с другими данными.
Плюс отказ в разговоре. Ебей бы звонил российский скорее всего.
Как можно не осилить восстановить пароль даже и не знаю...


12 Мар 2019
1 912
Когда-то давно завел аккаунт на ebay.

вообще не заходил несколько лет.

Thank you for contacting us regarding the status of your account miron5826.

Based in United States, miron5826 has been an eBay member since Nov 24, 2019

а зачем указывать страну юса если ты из рф?
Сообщение было автоматически объединено:

Очевидно, что не стоило заводить аккаунт на тот же емейл.
у меня большие сомнения если честно что на одну почту даст зарегаться дважды
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