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В общем, окончательно убедился, что все замененные по гарантии верайзоны 6-е идут с политикой активации Next Tether Policy Details: 2320 - US GSM/VZW iPhone 6/6 Plus Service Policy Соответственно, сервиса по анлоку на них нету, только WW
В общем, окончательно убедился, что все замененные по гарантии верайзоны 6-е идут с политикой активации Next Tether Policy Details: 2320 - US GSM/VZW iPhone 6/6 Plus Service Policy Соответственно, сервиса по анлоку на них нету, только WW
Такая же тема походу и на Sprintе, пишет мне прод, что ему анлокнули тел для домашнего (по США) пользования с любым оператором, "The phone has been unlocked by Sprint for domestic use with any carrier. If you would like to unlock it for international use, you must activate it first so that the sim may be unlocked for international use (according to sprint)." Но по чекеру Next Tether Policy Details: 2303 - Multi-Mode Unlock Policy, что теперь веризоны и спринты опять г телефонами стали?
2303 - Multi-Mode Unlock Policy - вроде должен со всеми операторами работать. Господа, никто не в курсе что случилось у AT&T? письма счастья о разблокировке приходят, но не активируются. 3 трубки попробовал - у всех трех такая ерунда.
он то работат, но проду, видимо, поддержка обещали разлочить до Next Tether Policy Details: 2320 - US GSM/VZW, вот только почему полностью разлочили не пойму? может по США они iPhone 6/6 Plus Service Policy разлачивают?
ребята, подскажите сервисы по анлоку айклауда. забыли пароль от айклауда, эпл айди знаем. на почту доступа тоже нет, хотя телефон все работает, до сброса же конечно)
ребята, подскажите сервисы по анлоку айклауда. забыли пароль от айклауда, эпл айди знаем. на почту доступа тоже нет, хотя телефон все работает, до сброса же конечно)
Hi! I`ve received the phone and it`s in really great shape as described. But I have one problem. This is Sprint phone but I`m not a sprint customer. I want to use it with any GSM carriers. You can unlock the phone through Sprint customer support. It`ll be easy for you and you can really help me! Please, contact Sprint support and fill the device unlock request. The IMEI number of the phone: **** MEID: **** This can help: http://www.sprint.com/legal/unlocking_policy.html Thank you very much!
Добавлено спустя 1 мин. 42 сек. Что же все-таки делать с 2320 - US GSM/VZW iPhone 6/6 Plus Service Policy Все чаще попадаются такие аппараты, а теперь еще и worldwide сервиса не стало.
Кажется проблема с реплейсмент аппаратами с политикой 2320 US GSM/VZW сдвинулась с мертвой точки - смотрю сервисы предлагают анлок по 90$. Дорого, но имхо лучше, чем кирпич или гивэй. К тому же народ разлачивает сам через ТП Apple. Отсюда:
I just created a MacRumors account here to journalize my experience. Just as the user above reported, I had a rude awakening when I traveled to the Middle East recently as my AppleCare+ replaced Verizon iPhone 6 was giving the dreaded "SIM Not Valid" error. The fix? This is clearly a Apple matter and NOT Verizon.
Here is Verizon's position: To be proactive with the LTE band related FCC guidelines, they made all devices sold with LTE to be unlocked for worldwide use. This began in 2014 and concluded in 2015. ALL of the iPhone 6/6+ sold in the USA that are Verizon are unlocked for worldwide use. Apparently the method/process Verizon had for unlocking smartphones was phased out and is no longer available in their toolkit. I had a senior level rep from Verizon on the phone and stood strong that even if he was forced at gunpoint, he could not submit my old and new IMEI numbers to Apple to force an unlock - they do not have the methodology anymore to do so.
Here is what a senior Apple tech told me: The replacement device I received met the minimum specifications to operation in the United States of America for Verizon. He claims that it is buried in the AppleCare agreement that they are only obligated to ship a device that will work for the system it is coming off of. He confirmed that my device was locked to Verizon only. He was very insistent that Verizon submit a request to unlock the device. I had to almost fight with them via chat to convey the message that Verizon was not going to initiate an unlock request because they do not have the capability anymore.
I advised them that there are several blog postings scattered on the internet that this issue is resolved by Apple engineers almost all of the time - it is an issue with the activation policy and it must be revamped. The senior level advisor then agreed to forward a request to the engineers. About an hour later I received an email from him noting that some changes have been made and to restore the iPhone via iTunes WITH the foreign SIM inserted. Keep in mind that I am 8000 miles from home so I definitely am international. The problem was resolved.
Apple support ticket: 956863964
This is clearly an issue with the AppleCare department as they are shipping these devices locked. I am perplexed why they would do this. I'm assuming it would be an easy fix if the correct people knew about this and could phase out the locked activation profile for Apple devices. That is up to Apple management though. The scariest part is how I started reading threads on this that began around January 2015 yet this is still a serious issue (I received my AppleCare+ replacement device approximately 8 weeks ago). It does not portray AppleCare's quality management system to be a high priority.