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[spoiler]Once upon a time, AT&T had lax policies for permitting their CS staff to unlock iPhones, trusting they'd follow policy. Then, a few of those staffers had an idea: they could earn cash on the side by "selling" their unlock services to people who technically didn't qualify under AT&T policy to unlock their phones, and they would do it under the table. There were of course middlemen between the unlockers and those buying the unlocks (the people who run the websites). Competition and the sheer ease of doing bulk unlocks drove prices way down, but there was a recent massive crush of iPhone 5s sales, combined with LOTS of those people buying the 5s wanting to turn right around and unlock their newly-bought devices, even though they were still under contract. Rather than trying to close the floodgates a bit to preserve their revenue stream, the people involved got greedy and simply tried to cram the excess requests through their normal channels. The sheer number of IMEIs submitted to the unlock database in the days following the 5s launch crashed the system. The crash affected "legit" unlock requests as well, and this got AT&T's attention in a HUGE way. So, they clamped down on who had access. Hard. People who could easily push through hundreds, thousands of IMEIs in the past every day are now completely shut out, and AT&T is far more strictly enforcing their policy on who can request iPhone unlocks, and whether those requests are honored. Result: Supply extremely low, but demand is extremely high. Prices soar. Now unlock websites are likely forced to use approaches like enlisting the help of willing active-duty servicemen with AT&T accounts who can push through some unlock requests now and then, or at least their account info. Maybe other willing AT&T account holders are also selling "slots." But each of these accounts can only unlock 5 per year, and the results aren't always guaranteed, sometimes requiring multiple tries and multiple calls. So "slots" are low, turnaround time unpredictable, and reliability is down because of this. I imagine anyone employed or associated with AT&T who tries to aid this process in any way risk losing their jobs if caught, further making this risky and thus, expensive to make it worth their while. Disclaimer: This is pieced together from veiled references and notices posted here and on unlocker-service websites. I don't have firsthand knowledge of this, but I'd say I'm pretty sure this is close to what actually happened.[/spoiler]
Badasschick норм расписал, точнее скопипастил. Все вполне логично.
А вообще, мне кажется, что это временная мера, направленная на то, чтобы партнеры Apple за рубежом (например в России), где еще не стартовали официальные продажи, смогли получить нормальную прибыль со старта продаж. А то иначе, все люди, желающие купить новые 5с и 5s, закупятся разлоченными американцами и собрать сливки на начале официальных продаж новой модели не получится. Потом, когда пик продаж спадет (обычно после новогодних праздников), тогда и простимулируют новую волну, ослабив условия разлочки. Жаль только, что более ранние модели тоже попали под горячую руку.
Каким образом компанию AT&T касаются прибыль с продаж в России и других странах третьего мира? У AT&T украли большие прибыли, тем что разлачивали контрактные 5s|5c. Было бы логично упростить анлок на старые модели и закрыть его для всех контрактных 5s|5c
помоему так все и будет, некоторые анлокеры уже начинали выделять 5s 5c анлоки за особую цену, и видимо эти анлоки проходят какую то особую проверку, надеюсь с остальными не будет этих проблем
да какие-то это нереальные цены. Цена на анлок упадет, т.к. за такие бабки спроса не будет или он будет слишком мал. Вот только падение это может быть месяцев через 7