Request (Responded) from nicole 11/4/2009 3:14:44 PM HKT (UTC+8.)
Dear sir,
Apologies for our late reply.
There may be some bugs in our system, so the points can't be activated automaticly. If you wanted to redeem items, we will also arrange for you.
Thanks a lot. Nicole
типа никто и ничто несовершенно - сделаем так как нужно, если желаете. Response from Customer 11/5/2009 2:52:23 AM HKT (UTC+8.)
I have:
"Total points collected (historical): 713
Pending points: 698
Points available for use: 9 "
I want redeem 700 Now.
Best Regards, Evgeniy
эт я дал статистику сколько и на каких основаниях я хочу получить. Request (Responded) from nicole 11/6/2009 2:52:32 PM HKT (UTC+8.)
You may use 700 points to redeem items. If there is any items you wanted, please tell us the sku number. Then we will arrange for you.
Thanks a lot. Nicole
тут девушка соглашается на мои притязания и предлагает всё что у нее есть на эти понты Response from Customer 11/7/2009 5:58:25 AM HKT (UTC+8.)
Hi, Nicole.
My Son (age of 5 years) wanted SKU.17187 and SKU.14318 for gift of Christmas from DX.
Thank you, Evgeniy(я) and Dmitriy (сын мой)

File 1 received (фотка меня и сына)
в этом коротком посте я уточнил что мне нужно и уточнил, что не корысти ради, а токма детям в пользу. Request (Responded) from nicole 11/9/2009 3:42:11 PM HKT (UTC+8.)
Your son is very cute. Please supply us an order number. Then we will arrange the two items in it.
Thanks for your help.
тут девушка отдалась полностью, тип выбирай любой готовый неотправленый ордер и я туда уложу что ты хошь. Response from Customer 11/10/2009 1:08:05 AM HKT (UTC+8.)
hi, Nicole
Can be Order #11****22 ?
Thank you. Evgeniy.
выбрал Request (Responded) from nicole 11/10/2009 4:46:10 PM HKT (UTC+8.)
We arranged item 14318 and item 17187 in the order 11****22. We also deduct 700 points from your account. Please check your account again.
Thanks a lot.
всё чики-чики, готво всё, проверьте карманы, там сюрприз. Response from Customer 11/11/2009 6:36:05 PM HKT (UTC+8.)
Thanks, Nicole.
We will wait this gift from DX.
Best Regards,
моя благодарность Solution (provided by nicole on 11/12/2009 2:15:55 PM HKT (UTC+8.) ):
(this solution was also sent to you at ********.*** at the time it became available)
Thanks for your reply.
If there is any question,please feel free to contact us again.
Looking forward to your coming orders .
Best regards.