После обмена письмами от палки пришло такое письмо
Hello ,
We're investigating the following claim:
Seller's Name: Valentyna Blackwell
Seller's Email:
candlemajik@comcast.net Seller's Transaction ID: 4YD51704R0151761J
Transaction Date: 25.04.2009
Transaction Amount: -$199,95 USD
Your Transaction ID: 8EP114039T6893814
Case Number: PP-718-747-014
Buyer's Transaction ID: 8EP114039T6893814
Note: is financially responsible for 's account and is
responding on 's behalf regarding any issues with this
You may be eligible for a refund on this PayPal transaction.
To qualify for a refund, you must return the item to the seller, in the
same condition you received it, within 10 calendar days of the date of this
email. You are responsible for the cost of returning the merchandise.
We may not be able to give you a full refund -- the refund amount is based
on the terms of our Buyer Protection programs. Please review the Buyer
Protection programs in our User Agreement to determine if you would like to
pursue this claim.
Next steps:
Step 1
Return the item to the seller, at the following address:
Once you have returned the item, please log in to your PayPal account
within 10 calendar days of receipt of this email and provide tracking
information that can be verified online.
PayPal strongly recommends using a shipping service that provides online
Transfer money online in seconds with PayPal money transfer. All you need is an email address.
We must receive this information within 10 calendar days. Failure to
provide this information will result in automatic cancellation of your case.
Once we have been able to verify that the item was shipped to the seller,
the refund will be issued to you.
If you wish to resolve this issue directly with the seller, you may cancel
this claim at any time.
You can review the details of this claim at:
Transfer money online in seconds with PayPal money transfer. All you need is an email address.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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