crazygoth88, мой обновленный (отремонтированный) был отправлен в пятницу. Жду. 
Добавлено спустя 1 мин. 35 сек.
А тут про обновление:
SUNNY Huang24 Aug 2012 04:43 (GMT -7)
Hi Konstantin,
This afternoon we send it out,and the trakcing number is : RA65xxxx455CN.
We test it, the GPS is fast and lens are clear.
And put some small gifts ,hope you like them.
Also hope you get them soon.
Best wishes for you and have a nice day!
Добавлено спустя 1 мин. 35 сек.
А тут про обновление:
SUNNY Huang23 Aug 2012 19:56 (GMT -7)
Hi Konstantin,
I understand your mood,no one likes the repair time is so long. Even if we sellers don't like that. This may make we lose clients.
Yesterday we went to factory to force them to repair our returned DVR,and till last midnight they finally repaired well them and send them to us. We are testing it now and this afternoon will send it out to you. And your address is the same with the order?
because factory is improving the program and update them,the new ones will show after 1 week,;if client order it, we please they to prolong the delivery time . And we improve the price according to the recently cost.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Best wishes for you and have a nice day!