ПолтергейстI have the DVR-007 HD720p. It has the following fault. It doesn't turn on when we push the ON Button even if it is powered by a 5V or over USB. We removed the battery but it didn't help us. Only one thing we noticed is when we removed the battery from DVR and supplied it an external power. While trying to turn on the unit the screen shines white light for half a second and then goes out. I think that it is possible a firmware broke. What to do in this situation?
Ну и ответ: You could try
the following ways to fix the machine.Firstly,you can try to press the "Reset " Button for 3 seconds.
If not,there maybe something wrong with the host machine power.You can ask the technicist to judge whether the" BGA
Poor Soldering ".Only when we know what is wrong with the machine,can we know how to fix it, right?
Советую отнести девайс электронищику, хорошему и вот если у него будут конркетные подозрения на что-то, попробуем заказать, но не гарантирую.
У меня товарищ умудрился перепутат адаптеры и дал 12В на вход. Мастер дошел до процессора и сказал: "в морг, менять проц он не будет". Так что пришлось плату целиком менять.