Забакапить неполучиться, а вот для восстановления загубленного можно скачать recovery образ.
Официальная инструкция :
Recovery Image for minibook (this can be identified from the serial number on the base of the unit which will start with HCK)
How to install:
1. Download the file below and extract the two files within it to an SD Card (which must be formatted with a FAT file system). If the files are being extracted by Xip Tar on the CnMbook, please make sure that No pathnames is checked under Path mode.
2. Plug the SD Card into the CnMbook and turn it on.
3. Press and hold down the three following keys Shift (Left) + FN + Shift (Right), until the machine has booted into the Operating System (or as far as it will boot).
4. Shut the CnMbook down by clicking the Red button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen or holding the power button down if the machine isn't working properly.
5. Turn the CnMbook back on and hold down the F3 key until the Recovery Console appears.
6. Press the Enter key twice.
7. If you would like to completely wipe the flash drive before recovering (you will lose any files saved on the CnMbook) then just press the Enter key again. If you would like to retain your files then press (s) and then the Enter key to just restore the Operating System.
8. The system restore will take a few minutes, please don't turn off the CnMbook during the restore process. Once the restore has completed, the CnMbook will finish booting and will be restored back to factory condition.
Но прочитайте мое предыдущее сообщения.
Вся эта инструкция нифига не работает. По крайней мере у меня все эти манипуляции никакого эффекта не дали.
нетбук просто игнорирует карточку и грузится как обычно.
Чтоб залить в него андроид надо ОЧЕНЬ постараться .... и приложить неадекватные усилия.
В любом случае желаю вам успеха.
Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 29 секунд:
Поищите еще по ключевому слову HaRET
И вот инструкция по заливке линукса
может вам повезет
Pretty easy.
Download extpart.tgz and fatpart.tgz from abrasasive's website.
Format SD card. (FAT)
Extract fatfart.tgz to SD card and copy extpart.tgz to root of formatted SD card.
Insert SD card.
Wait for installation. (Linux penguin will show up)
After installation, remove SD card.
Boot and probably 30 seconds later "william login" will show up.
Type "root"
Then now you have to make some setup.
In my case, I activated ethernet instead of wifi.
At root directory, type mkdir var/log/apt (You must make this directory.)
'ifconfig eth0 auto'
'dhclient eth0'
to activate ethernet. (I prefer cable~~)
If you want to active wifi
'modprobe rt3070sta'
Now install xwindows
'apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xfonts-base xinit'
Now you are almost ready to go.
'apt-get install xfce4' for xfce
'apt-get install lxde' for LXDE
LXDE's default browser is Konquer.
I could not figure out xfce default browser. (Maybe default browser section is just default.)
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