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Label/Receipt Number: LJ61 3621 163U S
Service(s): International Letter
Status: Processed through Sort Facility
Your item was processed through and left our JAMAICA, NY 11430 facility on February 11, 2011 at 1:12 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later. Detailed Results:
Processed through Sort Facility, February 11, 2011, 1:12 am, JAMAICA, NY 11430
Processed through Sort Facility, February 04, 2011, 8:28 pm, SEATTLE, WA 98168
Electronic Shipping Info Received, February 04, 2011
Посыль получена 16.02.2011, извещение было от 15.02.2011.
Время в пути 11 дней.
Отправлялась Приорити с треком только по США.
Label/Receipt Number: LJ61 3621 163U S
Service(s): International Letter
Status: Processed through Sort Facility
Your item was processed through and left our JAMAICA, NY 11430 facility on February 11, 2011 at 1:12 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later. Detailed Results:
Processed through Sort Facility, February 11, 2011, 1:12 am, JAMAICA, NY 11430
Processed through Sort Facility, February 04, 2011, 8:28 pm, SEATTLE, WA 98168
Electronic Shipping Info Received, February 04, 2011
Посыль получена 16.02.2011, извещение было от 15.02.2011.
Время в пути 11 дней.
Отправлялась Приорити с треком только по США.