выслал товар на FBA/ Товар благополучно получили на складе амазон и добавили в инвентори.Но ... я его не вижу!!!В инвентори я вижу avilable, но когда я перехожу на страницу предложения , то я не вижу. Я обратился в саппорт, а они ответили, что мол с Украины не могут видеть , а из остальных стран могут.
Having read your email, we understand that you are concerned about the product whose offer is not visible on the website though it is active in your inventory.
We regret the inconvenience caused to you in this regard.
I have checked with the concerned technical team who worked on the case and here are the findings:
Upon checking the screenshots attached on the case, we were able to confirm in the screenshot "amazon2.jpg" provided by you showed that the delivery address for which the product is being searched is "Ukraine".
Since, the product is fulfilled by Amazon, offer will show up for those buyers orders for whose delivery location is fulfillable by Amazon.
Please note that Amazon will be able to fulfill orders for all the US region.
Adding to this, at no extra charge, the FBA Export program helps you expand your business internationally without dealing with the complexities of selling internationally.
Upon checking we see that you have enabled the FBA Exports Settings, however, currently, Amazon is fulfilling orders to following countries as international delivery.
Как такое может быть?
Я-то вижу товар других украинцев высланных на FBA.