Скажите, пожалуйста, вот у этого продавца сабж продаётся или фейк?
нормальный ...как и у всех
сейчас у чина пост затык какой то по срокам
у меня такой же идет, продавец пишет -
"....Thank you for your order,the goods in stock,1-2working days will be send out.
My friend,from Apr19,Shenzhen china post stop to pick up electronic products,so we send out the goods by other china post,it will need more time to upload the information on internet,may be it need 4 to10working days to upload the information on internet,pls be patient to wait.
My friend,if you need help to prolong the time,pls feel free to contact us,we will help you.when you receive the goods,if you found it have problem,pls tell to us,we will help you to resolve."