Как быть чтоб аккаунт не заблокировали? Уже в UK из за этого не могу продавать
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Sellers who are liable for German VAT on their sales and who have not provided eBay with a valid German VAT Identification number will be subject to consequences.If your business on eBay sells goods in any EU country, you may be required to register for and collect Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT in the EU is a tax on consumer spending. It is collected by VAT-registered traders on their sales within the EU territory and passed on to the national tax authorities via VAT return filings.In practice, the following three situations will normally trigger mandatory VAT registration in Germany:
1.If you are a seller established in Germany you must ensure that you are registered for VAT. 2.If you are selling goods that are warehoused/pre-deployed in Germany then you must register for VAT immediately. There is no minimal threshold and this rule also applies for sellers from outside of Germany with inventory pre-deployed in Germany. 3.If you sell a lot of goods located in another EU country to private buyers in Germany (distance selling with pre-deployed inventory), you are required to register for and collect German VAT if your sales to Germany exceed 100.000 EUR per year (including sales through all channels you use).
Your VAT ObligationIt is mandatory that you display your VAT Identification number on the eBay site in connection with your listings.Please follow below steps:
1.Register for VAT and obtain a VAT Identification number. 2.Provide your VAT Identification number to eBay. 3.Check and ensure that the company or trading name you have provided to eBay matches that on your original VAT document. You can check it in your Registration information which can be found in My eBay- My Account – Account – Address - Registration address, email and phone number
You will have until January 1 2019 to provide us with your German VAT Identification number.Failure to meet your VAT obligations is a serious criminal offence. If you do not appear to meet your VAT obligation, this may result in a range of actions being taken against your eBay account, including but not limited to listing removal, account restriction, reduction of international selling privileges or account suspension.You should be aware that eBay may be obliged by law to share your eBay seller information, transaction data and/or other supporting information with German tax authorities, and that the tax authorities may use such information to determine whether you are liable to pay VAT for your sales to German buyers. eBay cooperates with government authorities in cases involving the potential falsification of information by eBay sellers seeking to evade payment of VAT.How to register and pay VAT?You can choose to either (i) register and file VAT returns to the tax authority by yourself or (ii) appoint a tax consultant to register and file VAT returns on your behalf.
Поддержу тему , получил такое же письмо . Смысл понятен, все продавцы зарегистрированные на немецкой площадке получили такое письмо ? Вы на английской площадке получили такое письмо или что ? Можно подробнее
Как быть чтоб аккаунт не заблокировали? Уже в UK из за этого не могу продавать
Сообщение было автоматически объединено:
Sellers who are liable for German VAT on their sales and who have not provided eBay with a valid German VAT Identification number will be subject to consequences.If your business on eBay sells goods in any EU country, you may be required to register for and collect Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT in the EU is a tax on consumer spending. It is collected by VAT-registered traders on their sales within the EU territory and passed on to the national tax authorities via VAT return filings.In practice, the following three situations will normally trigger mandatory VAT registration in Germany: 1.If you are a seller established in Germany you must ensure that you are registered for VAT. 2.If you are selling goods that are warehoused/pre-deployed in Germany then you must register for VAT immediately. There is no minimal threshold and this rule also applies for sellers from outside of Germany with inventory pre-deployed in Germany. 3.If you sell a lot of goods located in another EU country to private buyers in Germany (distance selling with pre-deployed inventory), you are required to register for and collect German VAT if your sales to Germany exceed 100.000 EUR per year (including sales through all channels you use). Your VAT ObligationIt is mandatory that you display your VAT Identification number on the eBay site in connection with your listings.Please follow below steps: 1.Register for VAT and obtain a VAT Identification number. 2.Provide your VAT Identification number to eBay. 3.Check and ensure that the company or trading name you have provided to eBay matches that on your original VAT document. You can check it in your Registration information which can be found in My eBay- My Account – Account – Address - Registration address, email and phone number You will have until January 1 2019 to provide us with your German VAT Identification number.Failure to meet your VAT obligations is a serious criminal offence. If you do not appear to meet your VAT obligation, this may result in a range of actions being taken against your eBay account, including but not limited to listing removal, account restriction, reduction of international selling privileges or account suspension.You should be aware that eBay may be obliged by law to share your eBay seller information, transaction data and/or other supporting information with German tax authorities, and that the tax authorities may use such information to determine whether you are liable to pay VAT for your sales to German buyers. eBay cooperates with government authorities in cases involving the potential falsification of information by eBay sellers seeking to evade payment of VAT.How to register and pay VAT?You can choose to either (i) register and file VAT returns to the tax authority by yourself or (ii) appoint a tax consultant to register and file VAT returns on your behalf.
Странно как-то , вроде в политике написано , что территориально товар должен располагаться на территории Германии той же , тогда ВАТ должен быть уплачен , но если товар вне Германии , то есть лимит на 100тыщ евро в календарный год . Вас каким образом заблокировали на ЮК? После такого же письма ? Пробовали писать или звонить в саппорт ?
Сообщение было автоматически объединено:
Письма избранным пришли только? Или все у кого аккаунт зарегистрирован на немецкой , возможно ЮК площадке ? Странно, но как я понял это связано с какими-то законодательными изменениями , не прихоти eBay
Почему его на ЮК заблокировали, я так и не понял. Письмо получил сегодня в 5 утра. Так обязательно всем иметь немецкий ВАТ или исключения работают- товар за пределами германии и сумма оборота не превышает 100к?
Почему его на ЮК заблокировали, я так и не понял. Письмо получил сегодня в 5 утра. Так обязательно всем иметь немецкий ВАТ или исключения работают- товар за пределами германии и сумма оборота не превышает 100к?
MC011 Мои Логин: Urgent information about your eBay account
Dear Мои Логин (моя почта),
We need to replace the reinstate content with our email from SOL11164 : We are pleased to inform you that your account is no longer blocked from listing on eBay's UK site. Please note that if you do not remain compliant with the UK's VAT requirements, or our information shows that your circumstances appear to have changed, you may risk future restrictions on your account. Thanks for your cooperation eBay Trust & Safety
Странно как-то , вроде в политике написано , что территориально товар должен располагаться на территории Германии той же , тогда ВАТ должен быть уплачен , но если товар вне Германии , то есть лимит на 100тыщ евро в календарный год . Вас каким образом заблокировали на ЮК? После такого же письма ? Пробовали писать или звонить в саппорт ?
Сообщение было автоматически объединено:
Письма избранным пришли только? Или все у кого аккаунт зарегистрирован на немецкой , возможно ЮК площадке ? Странно, но как я понял это связано с какими-то законодательными изменениями , не прихоти eBay
Почему его на ЮК заблокировали, я так и не понял. Письмо получил сегодня в 5 утра. Так обязательно всем иметь немецкий ВАТ или исключения работают- товар за пределами германии и сумма оборота не превышает 100к?
Кто бы знал , как я понимаю скорее всего надо , как бы если будут подозрения , то с вас спросят . Но это мои догадки , что в реальности будет только им известно . Насчёт 100к вроде остаётся , но похоже не все так просто
MC011 Мои Логин: Urgent information about your eBay account
Dear Мои Логин (моя почта),
We need to replace the reinstate content with our email from SOL11164 : We are pleased to inform you that your account is no longer blocked from listing on eBay's UK site. Please note that if you do not remain compliant with the UK's VAT requirements, or our information shows that your circumstances appear to have changed, you may risk future restrictions on your account. Thanks for your cooperation eBay Trust & Safety
Сообщение было автоматически объединено:
У меня не Английский Акк но когда хотел прибавить лимит к ним обратился и они помогли. Может проблема в этом?