У меня посылка блуждала долго. 11 дней между экспортом и импортом( при чем по треку видно что был возврат отправителю, однако отправитель данный факт отрицает):
26-08-2010 19:40 Delivery Agent - RUSSIA Parcel delivered
20-08-2010 04:11 Delivery Agent - MOSCOW - PTT On route to delivery depot
19-08-2010 21:54 Delivery Agent - MOSCOW - PTT Awaiting Customs Clearance
17-08-2010 11:12 Delivery Agent - MOSCOW - PTT Arrived in destination country
16-08-2010 15:57 Delivery Agent - MOSCOW - PTT Arrived in destination country
05-08-2010 02:44 International Hub Left origin country
05-08-2010 00:31 International Hub Arrived at outward Office of Exchange
04-08-2010 23:39 International Hub Arrived at outward Office of Exchange
04-08-2010 16:24 Edinburgh West Depot On route to hub
04-08-2010 13:30 International Hub Despatched from hub
04-08-2010 08:08 Edinburgh West Depot Parcel delivered
04-08-2010 07:14 Edinburgh West Depot Out for delivery
04-08-2010 04:43 Edinburgh West Depot Arrived at delivery depot
03-08-2010 21:32 National Hub Sorted in hub
03-08-2010 17:28 North Essex Depot On route to hub
02-08-2010 21:14 North Essex Depot Return to sender
02-08-2010 21:13 North Essex Depot Held at depot
31-07-2010 00:49 International Hub Left origin country
Но самое главное все получил в целости и сохранности (iphone4)