Заказал 2 товара на сумму 195$. Продавец отправил не одной, а двумя посылками, почтой Сингапура. Скины переписки в paypal о двух посылках, треках и о том, что продавец подтверждает, что выслал двумя посылками - я предоставил. Открывал диспут я о неполучении. Paypal сам изменил причину на "Missing Quantity". Через несколько недель после открытия диспута приходит такое письмо от paypal:
Please Update Us : Case # PP-005-614-168-727 Hello ***,
We're currently investigating the following claim:
The documents you provided did not meet our requirements to continue your claim. Please review the instructions below carefully.
In order to continue with this investigation, a report must be filed with a law enforcement agency or government organization. You may choose to contact your local law enforcement agency (such as your local police or sheriff's department) or you may choose to file a report with any other governmental agency of your choice. Examples of such agencies could include:
• The Internet Crime Complaint Center (www.ic3.gov) • Your state's Consumer Protection office • Your State Police • A Federal law enforcement agency such as the FBI or Postal Inspection Service • Please note that a report to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is not acceptable for this document request.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filing a report with a law enforcement agency or government organization ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Contact a law enforcement agency or other governmental organization (either in person or online) to report the issue. 2. Please make certain to report specific details regarding the item you received. 3. You must obtain a copy of a report from the law enforcement agency or governmental organization and provide it to PayPal via one of the options described below. 4. Please note, the report must contain the specifics listed below: • The report should be on the agency's or organization's letterhead or contain a stamp or seal or some other information that indicates the report is official documentation. • The report should clearly explain the details of your issue. • This report must include the agency's or organization's contact information.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supplying your report to PayPal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If the upload feature is available in your PayPal account, we encourage you to upload your documents, as it's usually the quickest way for us to receive and review your information.
Here's how to upload your information:
1. Log in to your PayPal account. 2. Go to the Resolution Center. 3. Click Respond next to your claim, then follow the instructions.
You can also fax the police/incident report to PayPal at (402) 537-5760 (please note this is a United States phone number, if you are faxing from outside the United States, you will probably need to dial 00 1 before the number). The fax needs to include your email address and PayPal Buyer Complaint Case number (PP-005-614-168-727).
For various security and operational reasons, we cannot accept email attachments.
We need to receive your fax by April 3, 2017. If we don't receive your fax by April 3, 2017, your claim will be canceled. Please note that we're unable to grant extensions to this time period or reimburse you for any costs or fees related to the requested documents.
Note: Any documents you provide may also be supplied to the seller.