Всем доброго времени суток, днем наткнулся на лот, ссыль не могу кинуть найти не могу (Item 280893760452 is no longer available.) продавец top rated seller в объявлении информация по поводу покупки iphone Apple iPhone 4S 64GB 2 штуки 1000usd 5 штук 2000usd 10 штук 3500usd 20 штук 6000usd продавец категорично писал не спрашивать сколько стоит 1, запросы на отправку 1 буду удалять время до завершения лоты было 6 часов, сейчас уже завершилось естественно написал продавцу, ниже переписка наши с ним (читать с конца)
I never had problems with my buyers from Russia.
The price with shipping and handling taxes included for 5 x Apple iPhone 4S 64GB is 2000 USD. For 10 is 3500 USD. In case you want to start a transaction we will use eBay Buyer/Seller Protection Program(not PayPal) because it is safe for both of us and free of charge.
It works like this: eBay will send you an invoice with Payment instructions. Because this is a Buyer/Seller Protection Program transaction you have to send the money to eBay and not to me. Once you send and confirm the payment to eBay they will notify me to start the delivery. After you receive the items you have 7 days of inspection. If the items are as i described them (new, original, unlocked ...etc.), you have to notify eBay in order to send me the money. In case the items are not as i described them, eBay will cancel the transaction and start a refund process (in 24 hours you will have your money back). This is the safest way for both of us because i will receive the money only after you get the items and you will get the items only after i have the confirmation from eBay that they have the money. In this way i know that you have the money for my items and you have a chance to see the items and test them before sending the money to me. No more scammers and no more lying buyers.
Let me know if you are interested.
On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Dima Poluektov dima_*@list.ru wrote: Can you tell me about custom? How many time I have ? I dint know may be five may be 10 item...
> Hi, > > Let me tell you some info about my phones : > - They are all 100% original Apple iPhone 4S 64GB made by Apple and 100% Brand New FACTORY UNLOCKED > - You can use the phones with any sim card from any country. > - I bought the phones from Apple Factory Foxconn. I have both colors : Black and White. > - They come in original sealed boxes with all original standard accessories. > - Each phone have 1(one) year international Apple Care warranty . The warranty is valid once you activate the phone. > - I will send you the phones with Royal Mail(3 to 5 days Express Delivery) or DHL with tracking number. I send from Scotland. > - Free delivery and no customs. > > The minimum order is 2 (NO EXCEPTIONS). I have in stock more than 20 phones. I have GREAT DISCOUNTS for BULK orders. > Let me know how many phones do you want to buy. > > Thanks > On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Dima Poluektov dima_*@list.ru wrote:
> Hello, pls tell me you can send to RUSSIA ? > > Dmitry
отправил ему еще несколько вопросов, по поводу только такое кол-во можно или можно заказать 12 к примеру, можно разные цвета или только одного цвета... пока молчит, самые острые вопросы буду задавать потом...
кто что думает? реально или нет? опять таки таможня... ???
такой он ушлый в общем... тупо поржать веду с ним дальше беседу сори за инглишь но я думаю все поймут... он точно понимает жирным мое письмо, курсором его ответ... читать с конца
отправил ему письмо(подчеркнуто жирное) жду ответа (был немного пьян ))) ) Сволочь отвечает два письма в день не больше!!! ЕЩЕ РАЗ ГОВОРЮ ВЕДУ БЕСЕДУ ТУПО ПОРЖАТЬ!!! про магазин вранье)))
My friend, in moscow I have big retail store for iphone in internet, If we do this 15 iphone, I order 300 iphone. Now you are Scotland? May be payment person to person? I have friend in Scotland, he can see iphone and tell me that every thing is ok, and I send money to my friend and you do ship with him!
If you answer to me 2 times a day we cant do deal, right? Pls answer to me quicky, if you can give to me your messenger it will be fine, AND I NEED LINK FOR YOUR ACCOUNT ON EBAY STORE!
My money wait transaction, your chance!!!
Sorry but i`m not interested in paypal payments. If you want to see the phones you have to come here or send someone to my warehouse and i`ll be more than happy to show him 200 phones not 45.
On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Dima Poluektov dima_*@list.ru wrote:
- how much ? - very strange, may be you havent phone? can you send photo? - I need link on your account not for item - may account in paypal not stolen, you can check last payment in month - ok, when you answer on my this mail I send to you all detail
I can pay 450usd each item if we can deal with paypal
The price for 15 is 4900 USD - Yes i can - I don`t send any serial/imei without having the confirmation of your payment from eBay first - The listing is no longer available - Had a lot of problems with payments made from stolen paypal account - Because that is what i need to start the transaction. Ebay does not extract that info from your ebay account ... they ask me to give them those details.
On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Dima Poluektov dima_*@list.ru wrote:
Hello, I want order 12 black and 2 white phone. Pls answer on my question. - can you do insuranse on shipping? - pls send to me IMEI number of phone - send to me pls link for your accont on ebay - why you are not use paypal? - ebay know all my details, why you ask me about this?
I collect all money, wait your answer for start transaction!
> Hi, > > In order to proceed with this transaction through eBay please complete this form : > > Phone Number: > eBay User ID: > > Name and address registered on eBay > - Name > - Address > - City > - Zip/Postal Code > - Country > > Please confirm how many phones do you want and what color. > > Thank You ! > > On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Dima Poluektov dima_*@list.ru wrote: > YES interested > we can order some black and some white? Or we can only one color? > I need 1-2 days to collect money > > > Tue, 3 Jul 2012 16:49:35 +0200 от Brian Young brianyoung081@gmail.com: > > > > > I never had problems with my buyers from Russia. > The price with shipping and handling taxes included for 5 x Apple iPhone 4S 64GB is 2000 USD. For 10 is 3500 USD. > In case you want to start a transaction we will use eBay Buyer/Seller Protection Program(not PayPal) because it is safe for both of us and free of charge. > > It works like this: > eBay will send you an invoice with Payment instructions. Because this is a Buyer/Seller Protection Program transaction you have to send the money to eBay and not to me. Once you send and confirm the payment to eBay they will notify me to start the delivery. After you receive the items you have 7 days of inspection. If the items are as i described them (new, original, unlocked ...etc.), you have to notify eBay in order to send me the money. In case the items are not as i described them, eBay will cancel the transaction and start a refund process (in 24 hours you will have your money back). > This is the safest way for both of us because i will receive the money only after you get the items and you will get the items only after i have the confirmation from eBay that they have the money. In this way i know that you have the money for my items and you have a chance to see the items and test them before sending the money to me. No more scammers and no more lying buyers. > > Let me know if you are interested. >> Thanks
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Dima Poluektov dima_*@list.ru wrote: > Can you tell me about custom? How many time I have ? I dint know may be five may be 10 item... > > > Hi, > > > > Let me tell you some info about my phones : > > - They are all 100% original Apple iPhone 4S 64GB made by Apple and 100% Brand New FACTORY UNLOCKED > > - You can use the phones with any sim card from any country. > > - I bought the phones from Apple Factory Foxconn. I have both colors : Black and White. > > - They come in original sealed boxes with all original standard accessories. > > - Each phone have 1(one) year international Apple Care warranty . The warranty is valid once you activate the phone. > > - I will send you the phones with Royal Mail(3 to 5 days Express Delivery) or DHL with tracking number. I send from Scotland. > > - Free delivery and no customs. > > > > The minimum order is 2 (NO EXCEPTIONS). I have in stock more than 20 phones. I have GREAT DISCOUNTS for BULK orders. > > Let me know how many phones do you want to buy. > > > > Thanks > > On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Dima Poluektov dima_*@list.ru> wrote: > > Hello, pls tell me you can send to RUSSIA ? > > > > Dmitry