This seller has set buyer requirements for this item and only sells to buyers who meet those requirements.
You are unable to bid on or buy this item because:
You are currently winning or have bought the maximum-allowed number of this seller's items in the last 10 days.
Note: If you are still interested in bidding on or buying this item, you may contact the seller and ask that they exempt you from any buyer requirements.
Как это понимать? я вроде у него ничего еще не выиграл.?
You are unable to bid on or buy this item because:
You are currently winning or have bought the maximum-allowed number of this seller's items in the last 10 days.
Note: If you are still interested in bidding on or buying this item, you may contact the seller and ask that they exempt you from any buyer requirements.
Как это понимать? я вроде у него ничего еще не выиграл.?