Serge Petrov
В общем тут писали, что есть настройка в paypal, которая выставляет счет в валюте продавца. Настройку сделал. При этом пообщался с суппортом paypal-a, сказали что еще сделают какую-то настройку у себя, что бы не было двойной конвертации. Может кому полезно будет. А то вопрос часто задают. Вот кусок из переписки
In relation to the issue at hand I have forwarded your account details to
the relevant department for review. The credit card currency with PayPal is
defaulted to your national currency and is there for set to UAH Grivna at
this time. As you have stated that your credit card holds USD as its
currency I have forwarded this information on to the relevant department to
make the necessary adjustments in your account so that the credit card
currency reads as USD
In relation to the issue at hand I have forwarded your account details to
the relevant department for review. The credit card currency with PayPal is
defaulted to your national currency and is there for set to UAH Grivna at
this time. As you have stated that your credit card holds USD as its
currency I have forwarded this information on to the relevant department to
make the necessary adjustments in your account so that the credit card
currency reads as USD