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Я, российский прод, не вижу ни в палке, ни в еВау, что британский покуп использовал нектар. А он это использовал, знаю по достоверным сторонним источникам.
Я, российский прод, не вижу ни в палке, ни в еВау, что британский покуп использовал нектар. А он это использовал, знаю по достоверным сторонним источникам.
"The seller won't even know that you used a coupon. All they'll know is that they were paid. You would input the coupon code in the redemption code box, located on the first page of checkout."
I was given an ebay coupon from ebay. How do I know if a seller accepts them. I don't want to buy and find there is no way to use the coupon. Does the check out page to PayPal include the necessary place to do so? Can I apply the coupon to my PayPal credit line? AND, if I purchase multiple items...
"The seller won't even know that you used a coupon. All they'll know is that they were paid. You would input the coupon code in the redemption code box, located on the first page of checkout."
I was given an ebay coupon from ebay. How do I know if a seller accepts them. I don't want to buy and find there is no way to use the coupon. Does the check out page to PayPal include the necessary place to do so? Can I apply the coupon to my PayPal credit line? AND, if I purchase multiple items...