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Заказывали несколько телефонов у одного продавца, у всех был вес 400+-, у одного с Москвы шел 270гр, меня это насторожило и при получении, во первых посылка пришла с актом об развесовке и повреждении, во вторых открывали при сотрудниках, телефона как и ожидали, не увидели. Составили акты, от получения отказались. Написал продавцу, приложил скрины актов. Получил ответ, но не совсем понял о чем речь, подскажите пожалуйста что дальше делать?
Вот ответ:
Dear Viktor Almazov,
Thank you for contacting AliExpress. I am sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with your order 73450730337569.
According to the shipping information, the package has been shipped out by the seller and it is in transit currently. Thanks
for your patience for waiting for the international package. Since your package is still in protection time and your order
will be protected by AliExpress, you'll be refunded if you don't receive the package when purchase protection ends.
Complaints from buyer Judgement from AE Invalid Reason Proof Guide Package was returned to seller by shipping company Invalid it is currently in transit and within purchase protection
time waiting for the package and confirm with us whether you have received the goods by 2016-05-10. No evidence is needed.
Dear buyer, we reviewed your evidence and it is valid, please go to the post office to return the package as soon as
possible, we will refund to you, thank you.
Package Information CAINIAO_STANDARD_E RB045521298SG In Transit Solutions: Option 1: Please continue to wait for 10 days
Response time: 10 days
According to the shipping information, the package has been shipped out by the seller and it is in transit. Please wait in
patience and confirm with us whether you have received the goods when purchase protection ends.
If you have received the goods in good condition, please cancel this claim and confirm order received. If we don't receive
any feedback about the product problems after the goods are delivered, we will release the payment to your seller based on
the delivery information.
Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated.