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Товар оказался не надлежащего качества, что можно сделать?



30 Июл 2011
Здравствуйте, заказал из штатов б.у. коммуникатор.

Вот описание лота продавцом:
Up for sale is an in EXCELLENT condition Motorola Droid 2 Global. This phone has no scratches or dents and comes with American as well as international plugs, extra screen savers, USB charger, very nice case, original box and manuals. The phone works excellent and is unlocked to work with any CDMA carrier of your choice.

На сайте фото телефона только в чехле, запрашивать отдельно фотки без чехла не стал - всетаки EXCELLENT condition и no scratches or dents подкупили :)

По факту под чехлом у аппарата вся морда в царапинах, хрен бы с этим знал же что б.у. беру. Но это еще не все, аппарат ковыреный, с зади под крышкой по болтам видно что его вскрывали. Дальше началось самое интересное, аппарат включается - сеть ловин(весьма херово и теряет периодически). Удается дозвонится на телефон не с первого раза и в трубке вообще нет звука пробовал несколько раз. Потом еще заметил что подсветка одной из кнопок не горит.

написа продавцу письмо через ебэй:

Item I received is not as described:
I received the phone. But! It has problems with connection and sound. Signal has been losing, people couldn’t hear me and I hear nothing. That's not all, visual state of the phone is not perfect at all (you told me that it’s perfect). Whole frame around the glass has scratches which are not visible on your photos. And it’s absolutely clear that someone has tried to repair it.

I would like to hope that you did not know about these problems

на что он мне ответил:


I purchased this DROID barely used and I only kept the device for a couple of months and using it for only three weeks out of the couple of months. This phone was in EXCELLENT operable and physical condition with NO known or visible scratches or dents whats so ever. I am not sure if the trip from the USA to Russia had anything to do with the device not working properly and being damaged but it is the only explanation I can suggest because I absolutely had NO problems hearing or being heard with the phone. I also did not see ANY scratches around or on the phone before I sold it to you. I think my feedback speaks for my reputation, integrity and honesty of doing business on eBay. I am sorry you having these issues with the device but there is just no way I would list an item in the condition you stated without stating it in the ad. You did not opt for insurance on the phone and you had the knowledge from the ad that the phone was used. I Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns and how you wish to proceed with this transaction.

Щас сделал фотки царапин и рядом ложил два телефона - фоткал уровень сигнала у ифона 4 деления у моторолы только 1 в этом месте. Написал продавцу что бы он скинул мне мыло - что бы отправить ему фотки. Пока молчит, что делать дальше в этой ситуации?

Да кстати, сегодня телефон работает лучше, появился звук при звонке, т.е. кое как можно звонить хотя ловит херово и подсветка у кнопочки вдруг загорелась :lol:

В идеале хочется вернуть деньги причем включая то что уплачено за доставку, т.к. телефон достался очень дорого.


3 Мар 2010
3 536
"Поиск" (вверху слева странички) спросить попытайтесь - точно поможет!


30 Июл 2011

вчера весь вечер эту ветку читал, много похожих случаев а результаты у всех разные. Решил тему создать что бы какого нибудь нюанса не упустить. Первый раз такого рода притензии и как я понял полюбовно договорится с продавцом не получится, не хочется остаться в результате с хреновым аппаратом и без денег :(


3 Мар 2010
3 536
Результаты могут быть разными, а ответы, на аналогичные Вашим, вопросы - одинаковые.
Коротко: для получения возврата стоимости телефона и доставки Вам придется отправить его обратно за Ваш счет и эти деньги не вернут! Все остальное: поиск по словам "диспут", "несоответствие товара описанию", "возврат товара" и пр.


30 Июл 2011
хотел к первому посту добавить - но нельзя его редактировать, вот дальнейшая переписка:

от меня:
give me your mail, i send you photos with scratch and other defects.

Мыло так и не дали - посмотрел через пейпал, кинул на почту 20мб архив фоток во всех ракурсах в названии фоток были описаны косяки, если кратко там кусок отломан от пластикового чехла, вся рамка вокруг экрана в царапинах, и запостил фотки 2х телефонов рядом на моем 4 палочки сети а на этом 1.

Фотки пришли по адресу - вот ответ:

Those pictures are of NOT the phone I sent because my phone had NO scratches around the Bezel and the case was brand spanking new with no cracks what's so ever. This looks like malicious damage and I will not take responsibility for any of this. A lot could have happen to the phone being shipped from Maryland to Russia and there is NO WAY I would send a phone in this type of condition and list it like new condition. As far as the signal is concerned, again, it could because of the area you are in and does not necessary have anything to do with the built in antenna and wireless service on the phone.

I would advise that you escalate this issue up to ebay because there is no way I am taking responsibility for this kind of damage to a device in which I know did not contain before I shipped it. I have supporting evidence I will provide as well as clear photos of the device before I shipped it to you.

Ну тоесть продавец уходит в отказку - типа отправлял все в идеале чехол ваще новый, телефон тоже без царапин типа это все мудацкая почта :)

Но! Сцука пи***т наглым образом! :) На фотках размещеных им к лоту хоть они и в хреновом качестве - если присмотреться видно что кусок чехла отломан! Ну а если врет про чехол, то и про все остальное так же.

Уже сделал фотки царапин на корпусе, записал видео где видно что праблемы со звуком и сетью, завтра еще выделю красным на его фотке место где чехол отломан и буду жалобу подавать. Как я понял лучше в ебэй(если нет поправьте) буду требовать полного возмещения. И репутацию этому козлу по порчу.


3 Мар 2010
3 536
буду требовать полного возмещения.
Диспут о несоответствии товара описанию - отправка товара продавцу с предоставлением трек-номера саппорту - получение возврата.
Отправлять обратно только заказным отправлением! Деньги за обратную отправку не вернут. Отрицательный отзыв - не позднее 60 дней с момента покупки. Если все правильно сделаете - вероятность успеха 99,9%


30 Июл 2011
уже создал, я там целое расследование и экспертизу провел :)
ниже текст моего письма в ебей, с ссылками на фото и даже видео.

Что обратную отправку денег не вернут это понятно - но и коммуникатор не за копейки купил так что по любому это выгоднее чем у себя его оставлять, в россии квалифицировано моторолы все равно не ремонтят.

I have bought Motorola droid 2 global on eBay from seller jaggedd1.

This is the description of the lot from seller:
“Up for sale is an in EXCELLENT condition Motorola Droid 2 Global. This phone has no scratches or dents and comes with American as well as international plugs, extra screen savers, USB charger, very nice case, original box and manuals. The phone works excellent and is unlocked to work with any CDMA carrier of your choice.”

I have received a package in perfect condition, no traces of impact or something else. But the phone has defects.

I've sent a letter to the seller. Thire are all our correspondence:

Dear jaggedd1,

I received the phone. But! It has problems with connection and sound. Signal has been losing, people couldn’t hear me and I hear nothing. That's not all, visual state of the phone is not perfect at all (you told me that it’s perfect). Whole frame around the glass has scratches which are not visible on your photos. And it’s absolutely clear that someone has tried to repair it.

I would like to hope that you did not know about these problems

Dear huliokortasar,


I purchased this DROID barely used and I only kept the device for a couple of months and using it for only three weeks out of the couple of months. This phone was in EXCELLENT operable and physical condition with NO known or visible scratches or dents whats so ever. I am not sure if the trip from the USA to Russia had anything to do with the device not working properly and being damaged but it is the only explanation I can suggest because I absolutely had NO problems hearing or being heard with the phone. I also did not see ANY scratches around or on the phone before I sold it to you. I think my feedback speaks for my reputation, integrity and honesty of doing business on eBay. I am sorry you having these issues with the device but there is just no way I would list an item in the condition you stated without stating it in the ad. You did not opt for insurance on the phone and you had the knowledge from the ad that the phone was used. I Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns and how you wish to proceed with this transaction.


Dear jaggedd1,

give me your mail, i send you photos with scratch and other defects.

Dear huliokortasar,

Those pictures are of NOT the phone I sent because my phone had NO scratches around the Bezel and the case was brand spanking new with no cracks what's so ever. This looks like malicious damage and I will not take responsibility for any of this. A lot could have happen to the phone being shipped from Maryland to Russia and there is NO WAY I would send a phone in this type of condition and list it like new condition. As far as the signal is concerned, again, it could because of the area you are in and does not necessary have anything to do with the built in antenna and wireless service on the phone.

I would advise that you escalate this issue up to ebay because there is no way I am taking responsibility for this kind of damage to a device in which I know did not contain before I shipped it. I have supporting evidence I will provide as well as clear photos of the device before I shipped it to you.



Here are the photos that I sent:

Problems with connection

Case is broken

Scratches on the body

Signs of repair, bolt head has scratch

As you can see that the seller claims that “my phone had NO scratches around the Bezel and the case was brand spanking new with no cracks what’s so ever”.

But! If we look closely at the pictures posted by the seller of the lot, we see that the casing had already been damaged! Look closely at the third photo, below I copied it and identified the damaged area.

In this video you will see a problem with the sound and connection. I have added comments to video, I hope they will help you to understand what's wrong with the phone.



30 Июл 2011
Продавец не сдается, переписка ниже. Репутация у него 186 сделок 100% положительного фитбека. У меня же всего 4, правда зареган я на ебае раньше него еще с 2006 года. Надеюсь его рейтинг не сыграет решающей роли в решении дела.

Seller's message:
'I described the phone in the ad as being used but in EXCELLENT condition. That is also the way I shipped the phone to you. If you look at the second picture of the ad that shows the same corner of the phone case in which you pictured as broken out, it shows that part as well as the whole case of the phone in tact fully. There were NO scratches on the phone before I sent it partly because the phone has always been in a case and the item sat in the original box the majority of the time. I also NEVER stated in any of my correspondences to you that I would refund you for the device as you stated in your claim that I agreed to do so. I never stated the phone to be in NEW or PERFECT condition but EXCELLENT condition which if you look at some of the ads listed on eBay that state what that condition is, the device I sold you would be listed as that. Again, you did not opt for shipping insurance and I fully stand by my ad listing as to the condition of the device. I never shipped broken.'

Your message to the seller:
"Maybe you bought the phone which had been used and did not take of the case? There for you didn't see scratches under it? And maybe you didn't check if it worked properly, just checked if it turned on. And now you don't want to take responsibility and admit that you are not right? I insist on returning the item in exchange for a full refund."

Seller's message:
"The phone did not come with the case on it and I examined the phone very thoroughly and found it to be in the condition stated by the seller so therefore I left positive feedback to the seller whom which I bought the phone from. Now why would I list a device for sale with scratches and broken case and not state it in the listing? I believe the scratches and broken case were malicously damaged. You could have requested more photos of the item without the case on it or asked more questions about details and condition of the device before you purchased it. Due dilligence should have been taken on your behalf and I would have gladly responded with any answers to your questions. I also checked the inside of the device where the battery is seated and never noticed any prior work being performed on the device. From my experience with the device, it worked excellent and was in excellent condition before I shipped it out. Again, shipping insurance should have been an option you chose."

Seller's message:
"I do not feel that I owe you a refund and therefore I will not voluntary refund you. You have no way of proving I sent the device out to you n the condition you stated in your case and I have no way of proving that you "maliciously" damaged the device because you may decided that you didn't like the device and needed a reason to return it for a refund. i do not appreciate your direct accusations and request no further correspondance be made between the two of us and that you escalate this issue up to eBay for further action. Regards,"

Your message to the seller:

"I find it hard to understand why you're lying, you write to me - "the case was brand spanking new with no cracks what's so ever." But on your photos, not on mine, we can see that the case is damaged http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/153/brokencorner.jpg/ Looking forward to Ebay decision on this matter. "

Наверное смысла продолжать переписку нет, подожду 10 дней, как я понял потом дело можно передать на их рассмотрение. По любовно 100% не договоримся.

Добавлено спустя 1 час 19 минут 54 секунды:

продавец продолжает отжигать :crazy:

'LYING?? Am I suppose to believe the so called pictures you showed me of which I have no knowledge of over the pictures in which I took myself? You have lost your mind. I believe you to be very deceitful in this case and again, my feed back speaks for my reputation as a buyer and seller on eBay. Again I request the communication to ceast between us and to escalate up to eBay for further action. Regard,'

Your message to the seller:

"but that's the very picture you have posted in a lot description, it''s third in a row http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220808502992-

Seller's message:
"Exactly with no cracks or missing pieces. The picture shows it with NO cracks, breaks or missing pieces. Zoom in on it and see for yourself. Seems like you are shifting your argument from scratches on the screen to broke or cracked case. At first you tried to argue about not recieving a signal on the phone and now down to an alledged crack in the case. It appears and sounds like a bunch of self inflicting damage from yourself. "


30 Июл 2011
Не прошло и 2х месяцев как закончилось разбирательство :(

Всплыло несколько интересных моментов.

1 по трекномеру нашей почты не смогли отследить Посылку(заказное авиапочтой)

2 ебей попросили предоставить квитанцию с почты в которой указан адрес получателя, а наша почта в квитанции в графе адрес пишет: фамилию получателя на русском и страну на русском. Все :wink: я сам набрал квитанцию по образцу той что дала мне почта только с указанием адреса.

3 после получения квитанции от меня - ебей связались с продавцом и по интересовались получил ли он от меня посылку :) этот чесный и порядочный человек с репутацией под 200 конечно все отрицал

4 тогда ебей попросили с меня документ с нашей почты - ПОДТВЕРЖДАЮЩИЙ что отправленная посылка получена! Вот тут пришлось бегать на почту и заодно обзванивать выше стоящие учереждения. Наша почта подобных справок не дает, да и ни как не может отследить посылки за територией России.

Все оказалось проще, после пересечения границы посылка трекается на сайте USPS, все это скинул в поддержку ебей и сегодня получил письмо - что в течении 3х дней бабло мне вернут причем сумма указана со стоимостью доставки, надеюсь так и будет :D

Продавцу не забыл подпортить репутацию, жаль времени придумывать формулировку особо не было, просто написал плохой продавец.

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