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Срочно нужен совет !!!!!!



6 Ноя 2006
Доброго дня !!
Мне продавец предложил купить товар по секонд ченс офер и заплатить при этом через вестерн юнион, как как он говорит, что сейчас находится в деловой поездке. Меня одолевают сомнения - кидок или нет ? Товар был продан за 138, а мне предлагает взять за мою ставку 110 - причем это вместе с доставкой по америке, когдя я спросил может ли он доставить товар в Россию, он сказал что может, но не скорректировал цену. Поэтому приведу все письма переписки от него

1 письмо

1. письмо
Selling.Worldwide sent you this eBay item.

eBay sent this message to ctepx2001.

eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via email. To respond to this offer please reply to the seller at this email address: .

Good news! The following eBay item on which you placed a bid for US$ 110.00 is now available for purchase:

The winner of this item got rejected due to security reasons (either he failed to follow through on the purchase commitment or outright refused to do so). Your last auctioned bid prior to being outbided is taken into consideration as eBay policy automatically proclaims you to be the winner by default. The selling of this item through Second Chance Offer is in compliance with eBay policy; you will be able to exchange Feedback with the seller and will be eligible for all eBay services associated with a transaction.

To purchase this item please contact the seller by replying to this email address: .
Current bid: US $138.50 (7 bids) <font face="Arial, Verdana" size="2">
(Approximately GBP 70.28)
Postage: US $24.99
End date: Mar-16-07 10:40:51 PDT

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Details for item number: 150102802289
Item URL:

Post to: United States
Seller: theshutterbug(1054)
99.6% Positive Feedback
Member since Mar-10-00 in United States

2 письмо

I still have it available for selling.
I will let it go for your last bid price and I will pay the shipping costs
and insurance taxes.
We will finish this deal only through eBay. If you agree to proceed with the
purchase please provide me your full name, eBay ID and shipping address so
we can get the ball rolling and I will contact eBay regarding our deal.
After that they will send you the information of ""how to purchase the
item"". I will wait for your email.

3 письмо

I also need your full name and shipping address so I can proceed and start
the transaction. I am waiting for your email. Regards !

4 письмо

I received the details. I will contact eBay and start the transaction
You will receive further payment instructions from them which you will have
to follow.
I am currently on a business trip in Italy and I'll need the payment sent to
me here. (anyway... eBay will send you the information you need to do the
Let me know once you receive them. Regards

5 письмо

I am in a business trip and I can not take Pay Pal. let me know when payment
is completed as requested. I will wait for your email.

6 письмо

Second Chance Offer - Invoice for payment #150102802289
Current status: Payment pending. Purchase protection granted.
Dear eBay member ctepx2001,
After verifying the trustworthiness of the seller theshutterbug( 1056Feedback score is 1000 to 4,999) About Me , and the availability of the merchandise for immediate shipping, we have approved your buy it now transaction and offered you as the buyer, full purchase protection for the amount you agreed on with the seller.

Item number: #150102802289
Item price: US$ 110.00 / Amount insured
Shipping price: Ready to ship / The Item price includes shipping and insurance fees.
Payment: Pending

Item Number:
Amount insured:
Date of verification:
Payment must be sent by:
Next step to be taken:
US$ 110.00
Mon Apr 9 2007
Western Union Money Transfer
The buyer must send the payment! to the seller

. Complete your eBay transaction in 5 easy steps:
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If the buyer accepts the merchandise eBay will release the payment details to the seller.
To enjoy the purchase protection, you must send the payment by the insured payment method below.
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. Complete your eBay transaction, Payment instructions:
To submit the payment with Western Union Money Transfer, you have two options:

1: Pay for the transfer with cash at a local Western Union agent. Click here to locate the agents in your area
2: If you are now in the USA and need to use a credit/debit card (Visa or MC), call 1-800-CALL-CASH and ! make the payment to the verified name of the seller. An additional fee will be charged on most cards because this transaction will be considered a cash advance on your card. Several IDs and utility bills are required before the funds are paid. Therefore, no one else but your seller can pick up the money. Your payments cannot be lost in the mail, like money orders or checks. Sellers located in Italy are not yet eligible for the PayPal Buyer Protection, which means you are not protected against fraud if you pay this seller by PayPal. Our responsibility is to make every option safe. This seller is verified by our services and you can have all the trust in his requests. However, Western Union Money Transfer is designed mainly for sending cash to friends and family in need, so telling them you are sendi! ng the money to an eBay seller will prevent your money transfer to go through and you will be unable to complete this transaction. Because the fee to send a Western Union Money Transfer is high, compared to other methods of payment, we have arranged with the seller to compensate for half of this fee ( i.e. if it costs you $100 to send the payment, take $50 from the amount insured and send the balance).

Once the payment was sent please confirm it by emailing the seller the following information:

1: 10 digit MTCN (Money transfer control number).
2: Amount sent.
3: Exact sender's name on file with Western Union (Including middle initial if any).
Sender's First Name:
Sender's Last Name:
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You can also confirm payment by emailing the seller a scanned copy of the payment receipt you received from Western Union.

. Purchase protection and refund:
Currently, this seller has a US $6,048.50 deposit in an eBay managed purchase protection account. Transactions with this eBay seller are covered by purchase protection against fraud and description errors. For your safety, this account was locked today, for 30 days time. The seller is unable to withdraw any money from it, within this period. Should you need a refund for this transaction, the insured amount will be taken from the seller's purchase protection account and sent to you. The refund is sent to your bank account, or by check or money order. The way you are refunded is at your choice. You have 30 days from the above verification date to request a refund. Refund requests are processed within 3 days. The insurer of this transaction is eBay Inc., located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jos! e, CA 95125, United States of America. The account is managed by eBay's Square Trade center. This transaction is supervised by eBay's Safe Harbor team. CONDITIONS TO BE MET BEFORE YOU MAY ASK FOR A REFUND Here are the situations suitable for a refund request:
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3. If your merchandise arrives in a much longer period than the one you agreed on (more than 10 days from the payment clearance day).
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This e-mail message was sent to you from eBay SafeHarbor team, with the full support of the SquareTrade center. The seller was informed about this transaction being started and is awaiting your payment. It is recommended to send the payment as soon as possible, because your purchase protection is valid for 30 days only.
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ответ на письмо, где я спосил, почему за доставку в Россию он не просит дополнительной оплаты еще не получил

Очень жду Вашего совета, так как лот для меня по заманчивой цене!!!!

история ставок

tstouse( 318Feedback score is 100 to 499) US $138.50 Mar-23-07 10:39:29 PDT
tkt1018( 5 ) US $136.00 Mar-23-07 10:40:26 PDT
daharb5( 0 ) US $130.00 Mar-22-07 21:45:53 PDT
ctepx2001( 5 ) US $110.00 Mar-23-07 06:27:35 PDT
tkt1018( 5 ) US $104.79 Mar-22-07 20:25:38 PDT
daharb5( 0 ) US $100.00 Mar-22-07 09:26:23 PDT
fpitch13( 8 ) US $61.00 Mar-18-07 06:13:19 PDT


27 Фев 2006
А как вы вели переписку? Через ибэй мессенджер?
Дело в том, что ибэй все сообщения делает через мессенджер, а копии посылает через эл. почту. При этом он кроме ибэй ID (ваш стерх 2001) должен обращаться еще и по имени.
Далее. Вестерн Юнион запрещен на ибэе!!!
У шаттербага есть сайт
Зачем такой фирме с несколькими магазинами париться с получением 110 баксов через наличный перевод?


Похоже вас хочет кинуть дядя из Италии.

PS. Все же лучше всю переписку вести через ибэй.


6 Ноя 2006
похоже, сейчас пришло письмо, ответ на мой вопрос - нужно ли доплачивать за пересылку в Россию - ответ, нет. Получается за 110 (за все всего лишь 110)баков они готовы переслать лот в Россию, подозрительно

похоже, сейчас пришло письмо, ответ на мой вопрос - нужно ли доплачивать за пересылку в Россию - ответ, нет. Получается за 110 (за все всего лишь 110)баков они готовы переслать лот в Россию, подозрительно

Парень, может быть ждешь, пока тебе кто-то из гуру скажет: давай, плати, ничего страшного? Ты же и сам видишь как все это подозрительно. Я бы не стал связываться.


6 Ноя 2006
да нет, не жду, просто никогда не сталкивался
все же когда то в первый раз... :)


25 Янв 2007
Хоть я и не профи, чтобы раздавать советы, но я бы не рисковал.


13 Мар 2006
2 741
I will contact eBay regarding our deal.
After that they will send you the information of ""how to purchase the
- писал явно пленный румын из Италии

Second Chance Offer - Invoice for payment #150102802289
при секонд шанце номер лота меняется. Это абсолютно другой новый лот.

в общем скажи ему презрительное КУ! :)

П.С. и вообще, при секонд шансе ты должен получить ссылку на лот и пойти и сделать ставку. Лотт должен быть виден в "твой еВау".


30 Авг 2004
Не связываться - кидалово на 99%


6 Янв 2005
1 253
Helsinki, Finland
99% слишком оптимистично - в этом случае 100% мошенничество и удивлюсь если кому-то это не очевидно... Частенько получаю подобные предложения.
Особенно меня порадовало second chance после того как я однажды помог своему другу немножко поднять цену на его лот и, разумеется, его не выиграл. :)

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