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Просят seller fees после двух месяцев простоя аккаунта
Your account has been put on hold because the US $240.01 balance on your eBay account hasn't been paid.
For your account to be considered for reinstatement, you need to pay the balance immediately. Please follow these steps:
1. Click "My eBay" at the top of most eBay pages. You may be asked to sign in. 3. Under the "My Account" heading on the left side of the page, click the "Seller Account" link. 4. Select a method to pay your eBay fees.
To learn more about payment methods, please go to:
If you don't have access to your account or prefer not to pay online, please mail your payment with your payment coupon to:
eBay Inc. P.O. Box 2179 Carol Stream, IL 60132-2179 United States
***Please note*** If you're mailing your payment, write your account ID on the check and include a copy of this notice.
If your account remains past due, your buying and selling activity may be restricted. Your account may be charged a late payment finance charge of up to 1.5 percent of your past due amount, and collections efforts will continue.
If you've already paid your eBay fees, please disregard this message.
ненене.. стора точно нет.. это бы я заметил... да и стор стоит долларов 20 по-моему.. а тут все 240.... оборзели да в принципе вопрос уже в другом - где можно это оспорить?
Вопрос к продавцам. При попытке сделать одноразовую оплату ибей фи при нажатии кнопки PAY каждый раз выскакивает разный eBay Seller Fees Item # 00000000000********. Пожалуйста посмотрите у себя- Item # стабильній или меняется всякий раз поле нажатия кнопки PAY