Можно делать на заказ. Продаю вам для перепродажи вами у нас в стране или на аукционе. Сама пока не вижу возможности заняться этим, так как мало фидбеков. Картины могу делать на заказ (друг входит в союз художников г. Ярославля) В основном пейзажи рисует (лес и город). Теперь о дереве. У друга своё производство. делает всякие интересные штуки. Кому интересно могу скинуть фото и картин и дерева. Картины по цене от 120$ ( партия желательна от 3 штук хотя бы). Без рамок ( холст с запасом для рамки будет.)
I will sell carved products from a tree and a picture (oil a canvas)
It is possible to do to order. I sell to you for resale by you at us in the country or at auction. Pictures I can do to order (the friend is included into the union of professional artists of Yaroslavl) basically landscapes draws (wood and a city). Now about a tree. At the friend the manufacture. Does any interesting pieces. To whom I can interestingly throw off a photo and pictures and a tree. Pictures at the price from 170$ (the party is desirable from 3 pieces at least) with delivery. Without frameworks (the canvas with a stock for a framework will be.)
I will sell carved products from a tree and a picture (oil a canvas)
It is possible to do to order. I sell to you for resale by you at us in the country or at auction. Pictures I can do to order (the friend is included into the union of professional artists of Yaroslavl) basically landscapes draws (wood and a city). Now about a tree. At the friend the manufacture. Does any interesting pieces. To whom I can interestingly throw off a photo and pictures and a tree. Pictures at the price from 170$ (the party is desirable from 3 pieces at least) with delivery. Without frameworks (the canvas with a stock for a framework will be.)