Продал чуваку из Канады лот. Давно. Примерно в середине ноября. Посылка до него до сих пор не дошла. Сначала его успокаивал тем, что в Новый Год плохо работает почта. Сейчас уже месяц прошёл после Нового Года. Посылки до сих пор нет. Написал сегодня мне гневное письмо:
Still nothing.
I am serious now.
And I dont still waiting ne more time.
Please refund me all payment.
If I dont receive the payement by paypal within 1 one week (paypal
account xxx@xxx.com)
I will transmet this claim to the russian embassy in canada.
I've already talk to them by phone.
They are serously ready to help me.
I give you one more chance to repair your fraud.
Or you will responding to the russian autority.
By the way to the emabssy.
I have your IP and your internet provider
and I have the scan of the presumed parcel.
Refund me all so = xxx US $
Plus = the shipping cost
Я понимаю его реакцию, на зачем столько угроз?!
Still nothing.
I am serious now.
And I dont still waiting ne more time.
Please refund me all payment.
If I dont receive the payement by paypal within 1 one week (paypal
account xxx@xxx.com)
I will transmet this claim to the russian embassy in canada.
I've already talk to them by phone.
They are serously ready to help me.
I give you one more chance to repair your fraud.
Or you will responding to the russian autority.
By the way to the emabssy.
I have your IP and your internet provider
and I have the scan of the presumed parcel.
Refund me all so = xxx US $
Plus = the shipping cost
Я понимаю его реакцию, на зачем столько угроз?!