Заказал сегодня кой-какое барохлишко на mandmdirect и через несколько часов получил мало приятное письмо:
Unfortunately, your order is currently on hold as we have a query with the card holder’s details. In order for us to process your order, we need to ensure that the address details we have are correct.
Could you please email our Card Services team on carddetails@mandmdirect.com and confirm the following details:
-The card holder’s full name
-The card holder’s date of birth
-The address to where the payment card is registered (billing address
Your chosen delivery address (if different to above), regrettably as your card is registered outside of the UK we cannot offer an alternative delivery address. Please confirm if you would like to go ahead with delivery to the billing address in Ukraine.
-If moved within the past 12 months please can you supply your old billing address
Alternatively, please contact our Customer Service Team on 0871 200 5000 to confirm the above information.
Once we have verified the necessary details, we can process your order.
Подтвердить свои данные не проблема, но вот как убедить их шипнуть к посреднику?
Unfortunately, your order is currently on hold as we have a query with the card holder’s details. In order for us to process your order, we need to ensure that the address details we have are correct.
Could you please email our Card Services team on carddetails@mandmdirect.com and confirm the following details:
-The card holder’s full name
-The card holder’s date of birth
-The address to where the payment card is registered (billing address
Your chosen delivery address (if different to above), regrettably as your card is registered outside of the UK we cannot offer an alternative delivery address. Please confirm if you would like to go ahead with delivery to the billing address in Ukraine.
-If moved within the past 12 months please can you supply your old billing address
Alternatively, please contact our Customer Service Team on 0871 200 5000 to confirm the above information.
Once we have verified the necessary details, we can process your order.
Подтвердить свои данные не проблема, но вот как убедить их шипнуть к посреднику?