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Добрый вечер! При отправке инвойса покупателю видишь его телефонный номер, после его оплаты номера уже нет. Как-то раз встречался с таким, что продавец запрашивал "обмен" регистрационными данными. Как мне, будучи продавцом, это сделать?
Заранее спасибо за ответ!
Добавлено спустя 17 мин. 26 сек. Всё-таки нашёл, спасибо)
Remember that contact information is covered by eBay's privacy rules and can only be obtained if both the buyer and seller are in a mutual transaction. You will need two bits of information; the USER ID of the other party and the transaction number (listing number). First, go to the HELP heading at the top of any eBay page and click on it. You will get an A-Z index, click on C or type in CONTACT SELLER in the search box. You will get instructions from eBay on the various links for contact information, click on the one that says request additional contact information. You will be presented with a short form asking for the user ID and transaction number, type it in and click on enter. A paragraph will pop up telling you your request has been received and that eBay will email you the contact information. Remember that the other party will also get a duplicate containing yours. If you get a disconnected number or line where a human cannot answer such as a fax line, you need to contact eBay Trust & Safety as this is a violation of the USER Agreement. All active accounts must have a telephone line answereable by a human being and must be the registered person. Too often eBayers move and forget to update their info...this is easily fixed and eBay will contact them and allow them a chance to fix it.
Site Preferences -- Shipping preferences -- Require phone number for shipping -- Yes Возможно, эта настройка будет не лишней, особенно для тех, кто отправляет EMS.