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7 Сен 2010
Хочу я купить MacBook Pro. Дело происходит в Австралии на австралийском e-bay

Сегодня нашел вот такое объявление:

Там продают мак, а в описании написано, что вы можете купить его прямо сейчас за $950 AUD. Я решил написать им письмо, типа вот хочу купить бла бла бла и мне прихоит вот такой ответ:


I was informed by ebay that the invoice has been sent. I have received the invoice. Search your inbox carefully and also check your bulk/spam/junk folder because it might have arrived there. If you can't find it I can send you the copy i received. Our deal is covered by eBay Buyer Protection.
The shipping costs are supported by me and the payment sending fees are supported by you.

How long does it takes until i receive the payment details from you? Please let me know.

Thank you!
И приходит этот "invoice"

ebay_95x39.gif eBay sent this message to Я.
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Your invoice for eBay purchases - item(s) : Laptop Apple Macbook Pro 17" i7 2.5Ghz Quad 8GB 512GB SSD Dear Я,
Thank you for your purchase. The total amount for your item below is AU $950.00. s.gif spacer.gif

Seller: Alison Farley
3/580 Oxford St
Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Australia Buyer: Мои данные Transaction Details: NEW!!! eBay Buyer Protection covers items purchased on eBay with Western Union eligible that are not received or not as described in the listing. Some purchases are not covered, including prohibited or restricted items and items listed or that should be listed in the Motors (except for Parts and Accessories) and Real Estate categories. Most Business and Industrial categories are covered by eBay Buyer Protection.
This transaction is covered by eBay Buyer Protection .

imgGlpshield.jpg Case ID: 85RN2416T8GC3 Date: 27.06.2012 Status: Payment Pending Item Description: New bin_15x54.gif Price AU $950.00 Quantity Sold: 1 Insurance: YES Shipping: Included in price ( will start as soon as we receive the payment ) Shipping to*:

Я мой адрес

Tracking Number # : wait.gif

*Please check the details for an accurate delivery in order to avoid delays.
Payment must be submitted via Western Union Transfer to an eBay Financing Center Agent in charge of this transaction. The eBay Financing Center Agent will secure the payment until the Buyer receives, inspects and accepts the item. Or, if it will be the case, the Agent will refund the payment to the Buyer.

IMPORTANT: The first available agent will automatically be assigned to your transaction by our system. We have escrow agents in the following countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Spain, Austria, France, Australia, Japan. One of our policies it that the agent will be from a country that neither the seller nor the buyer is from. This neutrality ensures us that neither one of them will attempt to contact our agent regarding the money for the transaction.
imgGlptxt_header1.jpg imgGlptxt_header2.gif
x.gif x.gif iconGlpplusblue.gif x.gif imgGlptxt_point1.gif x.gif eBay Financing Center Agent*: First Name: Leonard Last Name: Brett Address: 29 Warwick Square City: London State: London Zip: SW1V 2AD Country:
United Kingdom *The Western Union Transfer will be sent using this name and address. Payment: Invoice # 85195755812 Price: AU $950.00 Shipping: AU $0.00 Sales Tax: AU $0.00 Subtotal: AU $950.00 Total price: AU $950.00
How to make the payment asteriskG_10x10.gif Find the nearest Western Union office:
asteriskG_10x10.gif Send the payment using eBay Financing Center Agent's name and address (found below) as payment details. asteriskG_10x10.gif

E-mail to seller
Alison Farley ( with following payment informations :

bullet.gif Case ID and Invoice # bullet.gif Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) - 10 digits number found on the payment receipt bullet.gif Sender's Name and Address bullet.gif Receiver's Name and Address bullet.gif Total Amount Sent

NOTICE: You have 24/48 hours to complete the transfer to our eBay Agent, if not, this sale will be considered off and you will be punished.

Pay for the transfer with cash at a local Western Union agent. Western Union agent locations are independent businesses that provide money transfer service to their customers on behalf of Western Union. Western Union agents are primarily banks, post offices, exchange offices or retail locations - grocery stores, mail box centers, drug stores, travel agencies, depots, other retail locations.
Independent Western Union agents may impose different limitations on the maximum amount that can be submitted per day. For this reason, in case of a larger amount to be sent, we recommend that you go to more than one agent and submit the total sum in separate transfers.

When payment is received, it will be verified and secured into a non-interest bearing trust account. Payment verification process usually takes less than 24 hours. After payment is secured, the Seller is authorized to ship the item. The Seller has 3 business days to send the Buyer and eBay Customer Support the tracking number of the shipment. If no tracking number is provided, a full refund is immediately sent to the Buyer bullet.gif
The Buyer receives the item and has 14 business days to inspect it. If it is complete and as described, the Buyer should accept the item. If he refuses the item, the Buyer must ship the item back to the Seller within 16 business days bullet.gif
After the inspection period is over, the Buyer must contact eBay Financing Center Customer Support with the result of the inspection. If the Buyer refuses the item, the refund will be sent to the Buyer after the tracking number for the returned shipment is verified. If the item is accepted, eBay Financing Center Department submits the payment directly to the Seller within 14 business days

Thank you again for your purchase.

Copyright © 1995-2012 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
eBay and the eBay logo are registered trademarks of eBay Inc.

Меня насторожило:
1. От "E-BAY" пришёл инвойс на мою почту, а не на ту которую зарегистрирован мой ибэй аккаунт.
2. Western Union
3. Адрес откуда пришло :
eBay Buyer Protection
Решил написать обратно продавцу, что хочу платить через Paypal и на это пришёл вот такой ответ:


Please read your invoice carefully, stepbystep and please understand that payment method is through Western Union because I am going through a divorce, and i have my paypal and all my bank accounts blocked until the finish of the divorce.. and i don't know how long it will be because it's been 2 months since the divorce started. So, the transactions is thru eBay Buyer Protection. Ebay sent you the payment invoice to you and to me too. They chooses western union. You won't send any funds to me you will send to the ebay agent. The money will be only checked that they transferred only after you will receive the unit the ebay agent will wire the transfer to me. That's why we used western union. The unit is already packed and ready to be shipped. You will receive it in 2 days after we will clear with payment.

Did you understand now? Please let me know.
Thank you

Я пишу:
I understand. This payment method does not appeal to me.


На это вот такой вот ответ:


Also very important, when you will send the payment to the agent in UK from eBay, tell the guy from Western Union that the money are for a friend as a gift or something because if you tell him that the money are for an online auction he will extra charge us.

Thank you

Дальше я решил больше не переписываться а отправил всё это на:

Вот такой вот опыт =)

Надеюсь ибэй накажет этих плохишей.

Делюсь опытом т.к. один раз информация с этого форума помогла мне сохранить приличную сумму.​


2 Мар 2010
1 993
чисто для справки, как вы его планировали доставить в москву?


7 Сен 2010


2 Мар 2010
1 993


7 Сен 2010
Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino

12 Дек 2010
Классика жанра.

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