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EBay Live 08 ... eBay Dead?



23 Апр 2004
1 211
За что боролись...
eBay скорее Dead, чем Live - мнение американцев о eBay Live 2008

First off, let me start by saying that I have only been to one eBay Live and that was in Orlando in 2003. I remember it was crazy crowded, standing room only at many of the classes, lots of exhibitors, sellers, buyers and eBay employees. It was exciting, entertaining, informative, educational,

I've tried to find statistics for each year, but I've been able to come up with solid numbers. However, from what I can tell from all accounts of this years eBay Live as well as previous years, the numbers were considerably lower. I've read the number of vendors was about half and the number of attendees was at least down about 25-30% (maybe more).

Although I didn't attend the conference, I have been reading all the blog entries, watching the videos, reading the tweets and news articles from everyone from eBay employees, pro-eBayers as well as those who are terribly upset with eBay.... trying to get a feel of what it was like this year.

The truth is, pretty much everything I read has expressed some disappointment in eBay Live 08. Some of what I have read was nothing but negative. Photos and videos showed nearly empty classes, few people on the exhibition floor, reported no lines for registration, etc. When I went in '03, as I said, it was crazy crowded and there were long lines for everything. The vendor floor was always busy and it was hard to get to most of the popular counters. This apparently was not the case this year.

Next years eBay Live was already canceled and it makes me wonder if eBay Live 10 will happen or not.

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