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EBAY GLOSSARY Eng-жаргон-русский



14 Окт 2010
1 086
Господа, мне пришла такая идея!!!
Я взял официальный ибеевский глоссарий
и хочу потихоньку (день за днем) пристроить к нему
русский жаргон и перевод
Примерно как в 1 гнезде.
Готов обсудить любые варианты, предложения и замечания.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H-K, L-M, N-O, P-Q, R, S, T, U-Z


About Me Обо мнеA page that tells other members about you and your eBay business. Click the icon next to a user ID to view an About Me page.
Страничка, в которой рассказывается о вашем бизнессе.
Для того, что бы видеть "About Me " страничку надо кликнуть на иконку следующую
после Имени продавца

Ad Format
Now known as Classified Ads.

Administrative cancellation
The cancellation of a bid by eBay due to administrative reasons, such as when a bidder becomes unregistered.

Announcement boards
Pages where eBay posts current news and information. You'll find general announcements about new features and promotions, policy changes, special event information, and notices about system issues.

Answer Center
Community forum where you can ask questions and get help from other members.

Auction-style listing (online auction format)
The most common way to sell an item on eBay. This format lets sellers list an item for sale, collect bids for a fixed length of time, and sell the item to the highest bidder. Learn more about our different ways of buying.

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Best Match
Best Match helps buyers organize search results so they can find exactly what they're looking for. It uses historical buyer behavior and buyer ratings to evaluate listings and sellers on a number of factors, including how well the listing matches what the buyer is looking for, how popular the item is with buyers, and the seller's customer satisfaction rating. For more info, see improving your search standing.

Best Offer
A listing feature that lets a buyer make an offer to a seller. Sellers can use the Best Offer feature in fixed price listings. See selling with Best Offer for more info.

Bid cancellation
The cancellation of a bid by a seller during an auction-style listing. Once a bid is canceled, it can’t be reinstated by the seller. However, the bidder can bid again. Sellers can use the block bidders or buyers feature to prevent a particular user from bidding on a listing. In general, sellers shouldn’t cancel bids. However, in exceptional situations, such as being unable to verify the identity of the bidder after a reasonable effort to make contact, they might decide it’s necessary.

Bid increment
The amount by which a bid must be raised in order for it to be accepted in an auction-style listing. The bid increment is automatically determined based on the current high bid. For example, if the current bid for an item is $5.00 and the bid increment is $0.50, the next bid must be at least $5.50.

Bid retraction
The cancellation of a bid by a buyer during an auction-style listing. In general, a buyer cannot retract a bid once it is placed during an auction-style listing, so please bid carefully. A retraction may be allowed under special circumstances. For example, if buyers accidentally enter the wrong bid amount (entering $99.50 rather than $9.95), they may retract it and enter the right bid amount as long as they do so immediately. Make sure you're aware of other rules and restrictions surrounding the retraction of bids. For more information, see retracting or canceling your bid.

A member who bids on an item on eBay. Each bid enters you into a binding contract with the exception of bids in the Real Estate category and bids for vehicles on eBay Motors. For more information, see rules for buyers.

Bidder search
A search for all the items that a member has placed bids on during the last 30 days. (Although you can use search by bidder to view your own current auctions or history, we recommend you use My eBay instead. My eBay has many more functions to manage your bidding and buying activities.) To search by bidder, all you need is the member's user ID. To protect bidder privacy, not all items that a member has bid on may be displayed.

To keep eBay a safe place for buyers and sellers, we limit the display of bid history information. Members can't see or search for member-specific information—such as user IDs—on the Bid History page. The Bid History Details page contains detailed information on bidders; however, all bidders are given anonymous names. Only the seller of the item can see a bidder’s user ID. See managing buyers and bidders for more information on managing bidders.

Regardless of the current high bid, user IDs will appear as anonymous names throughout the duration of the auction (see bidding overview), even if the seller lowers the price. Anonymous names may also appear more than once in the bid history and may represent different bidders from different auctions.

An advanced eBay selling tool that can help sellers save hours of work. Blackthorne helps frequent sellers create professional listings in bulk, track them on eBay, and manage customer correspondence. Blackthorne Pro helps high-volume sellers and small businesses automate processes throughout the sales cycle. You can subscribe for a free 30-day trial.

Block bidders or buyers
A list created by you of specific eBay members who are not allowed to bid on or buy items you list for sale. Users on the list will be blocked until you take them off the list. You may want to do this if you've had a negative experience with a buyer in the past. Go to your blocked bidder or buyer list.

A member who buys an item from a seller on eBay. Remember each bid a buyer places enters them into a binding contract. For more information, see rules for buyers.

Buy It Now
A listing feature that lets a buyer purchase an item immediately for a price the seller has set. Items with this feature will display the icon and the Buy It Now price in their listings. Sellers can use the Buy It Now feature in auction-style and fixed price formats.

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Category listings
The set of categories by which items are organized, such as Antiques, Books, Computers & Networking, Sporting Goods, and so on. Anyone can browse the categories and look at lists of items until they find something they're interested in. Sellers can choose which category best fits an item to ensure maximum exposure for the listing. Browse our category listings.

Changed User ID icon
Indicates that the member has chosen a new user ID within the past 30 days. A member who has changed user IDs keeps the same Feedback Profile. Changing user IDs is not recommended because a user ID plays an important role in your reputation. However, members might change their user IDs for various reasons, such as updating it to reflect a new line of business.

Classified Ads
A type of listing sellers can use to list items, services, or properties for sale to generate multiple leads. Interested buyers fill out a contact form, and their information is sent to the seller. For more information on buying formats, see different ways of buying.

Completed listings (search)
A search for items that have ended within the last 15 days. This can be useful to help sellers determine how to sell an item. For example, a seller can view completed listings to decide what starting price to use in an auction-style listing.

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Detailed seller ratings
Detailed seller ratings (DSRs) provide a more complete picture of the member’s performance as a seller. When buyers leave an overall Feedback rating for a seller, they can also leave detailed seller ratings in four areas: accuracy of item description, communication, shipping time, and shipping cost. The rating system is based on a one- to five-star scale. Five stars is the highest rating, and one star is the lowest rating. Detailed seller ratings do not count toward the overall Feedback score.

Discussion boards
Pages where members can post messages to the eBay Community about various topics. Anyone can ask questions, learn valuable tips, share experiences, and connect with other eBay users.

Dispute Console
See Resolution Center.

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eBay Community
A group of buyers and sellers who are the members of the eBay community. Members can see announcements and calendar events, as well as use discussion boards, groups, and find quick help from other members. Go to the eBay Community.

eBay Groups
A group of buyers and sellers who share a common interest. You can create your own community or participate in discussions, newsletters, polls, and calendars of an existing group. For more information on group guidelines, see the eBay Groups guidelines.

eBay Shop
A website offering officially licensed quality merchandise with the eBay logo—from apparel to office accessories to cool collectibles. Go to the eBay Shop.

eBay Stores
Pages on eBay that feature all the items offered by an individual store seller. Buyers can shop at eBay Stores to find unique items they can buy right away. Sellers can use eBay Stores to maximize their business through customizable displays, categories, promotions, and access to an additional listing format. Go to eBay Stores.

eBay time
The official time of day at eBay headquarters in San Jose, California in the United States. This location is in the Pacific Time zone. See the current eBay time.

eBay Toolbar
A free eBay tool that you add to your web browser that gives you access to your favorite eBay and Yahoo! features. eBay Toolbar Featuring Yahoo! allows easy access to My eBay, Half.com, eBay Motors and more. Yahoo! features include web search and one-click access to Yahoo! Mail and My Yahoo! eBay Alerts track items you're bidding on or watching and notify you when you've been outbid or when an item is ending. Because eBay Toolbar is added to your browser, it's easy to search for an item on eBay, even when you're on a non-eBay site. Download the eBay Toolbar.

A procedure in which a third party holds a buyer's payment in trust until the buyer receives and approves the item from the seller. Escrow gives buyers and sellers extra peace of mind when they exchange payments and items. Escrow is recommended for purchases of $500 or more. eBay recommends that buyers and sellers use Escrow.com as the escrow company. If a seller suggests a different company, please use caution. Buyers should independently check on any escrow company by ensuring it is bonded and licensed.

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For each transaction, buyers and sellers can choose to rate each other by leaving Feedback. Feedback from buyers can consist of a positive, negative or neutral rating, and a short comment. Feedback from sellers can consist of a positive rating and a short comment. These ratings are used to determine Feedback scores. See what is Feedback.

Feedback Profile
A page showing all of a member's Feedback information, including ratings and comments from others who have bought or sold with that person. To see a member's Feedback Profile, click the Feedback score in parentheses next to their user ID.

Feedback score
A number used to measure a member's reputation on eBay. In most cases, members receive points for ratings as follows: +1 (positive), 0 (neutral), or -1 (negative). Find out more about how Feedback works. A high Feedback score means that the member has received a high number of positive ratings from other members. A high Feedback score is usually a good sign, but buyers and sellers should also check the Feedback Profile to read comments from other members. Every member of eBay has a Feedback score. You'll find it in parentheses next to their user ID. Click the Feedback score to see that member's entire Feedback Profile. See what is Feedback.

Feedback star
The color of the star Indicates that an eBay member has achieved a certain Feedback score. For example, a yellow star means a member has achieved 10 – 49 Feedback points. In most cases, a high Feedback score is a good sign, but buyers and sellers should also check the Feedback Profile to read comments from other members. For more information, see Feedback scores, stars, and your reputation.

Final value fee
A fee eBay charges to a seller when a listing ends. This fee is based on the “final value” of the item, which is the closing bid or sale price. The final value fee is not charged if there are no bids on an item or the high bid did not meet the reserve price the seller set. See the fees for selling on eBay page to learn more about how the final value fee is determined in different types of listings.

Fixed price
A selling format that lets sellers list an item for an unchanging, set price, with no auction-style bidding. This is a common alternative to using auction-style format, in which people bid for an item. For more information on buying formats, see different ways of buying. Sellers must have a minimum Feedback score of 0 to use the fixed price format.

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A group of eBay members who share common interests. As a group member, you can participate in discussions, newsletters, polls, calendars, and photo albums. Also, you can create and grow your own community. Go to eBay Groups.

Guest Buying
A guest buyer can pay for up to two items with a credit card before being required to register on eBay. For more information on guest buying, see buying as a Guest.

eBay or eBay members write and share their expertise on a topic or category. Readers can research and learn about all kinds of information. Anyone can research or write a guide. For more information, see Reviews & Guides.

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H - K

ID Verified
The ID Verified icon indicates that the identity of a seller has been confirmed, giving buyers an extra measure of security. To ID Verify a seller, a third-party company works with eBay to cross-check the seller's contact information across consumer and business databases. Become ID Verified.

Insertion fee
The fee eBay charges to a seller for listing an item. This fee varies by the type of listing and is non-refundable. See the fees for selling on eBay page to learn more about how the insertion fee is determined in different types of listings.

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L - M

A buyer or seller who has created a profile with eBay. A member has a user ID and password for accessing features, such as My eBay. As a member, you can track items you are buying or selling, review or leave Feedback, or update and change your personal information and notifications.

Secure payment method with which buyers can send funds to sellers using eBay checkout.

Multiple item listing
A listing in which a seller offers multiple identical items for sale. Unlike a regular listing, when you sell multiple items can have many winners. Buyers can specify the number of items they're interested in and the price they're willing pay. Buyers can specify the number of items they're interested in and the price they're willing pay. Winning bids are determined by their overall value (bid price times the number of items bid on).

Motors Local Classified Ad
Classified ad–style listing where individual sellers can list within 200 miles of their vehicle.

Motors Local Market listing
Classified ad–style listing where subscribed dealerships can list within 200 miles of their vehicle.

Motors National listing
Auction-style, Buy It Now, or Best Offer vehicle listing for selling anywhere within the United States.

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N - O

New listing icon
Indicates that the item has been listed within the last 24 hours. If you search or browse for the same kind of items repeatedly, the new listing icon helps you spot items you may not have seen before.

New member/user icon
Indicates that the buyer or seller has been a registered member of eBay for 30 days or less. New members join the eBay Community everyday. Knowing that a person has recently joined can be helpful in various situations. For example, when dealing with a new member, an experienced seller will know to be more patient as the new member learns how eBay works.

Online auction format (auction-style listing)
The basic, most common way to sell an item on eBay. This format lets sellers list an item for sale, collect bids for a fixed length of time, and sell the item to the highest bidder. For more information on buying formats, see different ways of buying.

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P - Q

A secure payment gateway service for processing credit or debit card payments to an Internet merchant account. To accept credit and debit card payments, Internet merchant sellers need to sign up for a free Payflow account.

Secure payment method with which buyers can send funds to sellers using eBay checkout.

A fast, easy, secure payment method offered by most eBay sellers for purchasing items. When buyers use PayPal, payment is sent from their credit card or bank account without giving any account information directly to the seller. All the buyer needs is the seller's email address. With PayPal, credit card or bank account information is kept private and safe on our secure servers. Sign up for PayPal.

PayPal Buyer Protection
A buyer protection program that offers coverage up to the full purchase price and original shipping charges for buyers who pay with PayPal on qualified listings. If an item qualifies for PayPal Buyer Protection the following message appears in the listing: "Pay with PayPal and your full purchase price is covered."

Picture Icon
Indicates that the listing has a picture of the item in its description. This icon appears in browse and search result lists.

A seller on eBay who has maintained a 98% positive Feedback score and provided a high level of service to buyers. When buyers see the PowerSeller icon next to a seller's user ID, they know they're working with an experienced eBay seller.

Pre-approve bidders/buyers
Allows select sellers of high-profile listings to create a list of specific eBay members who may bid on or buy an item they are listing for sale. Each pre-approved list applies only to one item, so sellers can restrict bidding or buying on one listing without changing their other listings. Members not on the pre-approved list need to email the seller for approval before they can bid on or buy an item as a pre-approved bidder.

Privacy Policy
eBay's policy on how we use and protect your personal information. For more information, see eBay Privacy Policy. To see a summary of this policy, go to our Privacy Central page.

Private auction listing
A listing in which the bidders' user IDs are not shown to others. When a private auction listing ends, the seller and high bidder are notified through email. Sellers may want to use this option when they believe that potential bidders for an item may not want their user IDs disclosed to others.

Secure payment method with which individuals and small businesses can process credit cards. Payment is transferred directly into the seller's ProPay account.

Proxy bidding
The feature of an auction-style listing in which eBay automatically bids on the buyer's behalf, up to the maximum amount they set. Enter the maximum amount you're willing to spend on an item, and eBay will continue to bid incrementally for you until either you're the high bidder or your maximum is reached. This means you don't have to keep coming back to bid every time someone else places a bid.

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Real Estate Ads listing
A listing format that lets sellers advertise real estate to eBay's audience without having to hold an auction-style listing or conduct the sale on eBay. With this format, there is no bidding. Interested buyers provide their contact information to the seller through the listing. This listing type is also known as Classified Ads.

Registered member/user
A person who has registered with eBay by providing basic contact information. This contact information is kept private on our secure servers. Once you register and choose a user ID and password, you can begin bidding on and buying items on eBay. Register now.

Listing an item for sale again after it did not sell the first time. If a seller relists an item and it sells the second time, we automatically refund the relisting fee (some restrictions apply).

Reserve price
The lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an item in an auction-style listing. When sellers list an item, they can set a secret reserve price. If the highest bid does not meet the reserve price, then they're under no obligation to sell the item to the bidder. This feature lets sellers set a low starting price to stimulate bidding among buyers, yet ensures that the item will not be sold below a price they're willing to settle for. eBay charges an additional fee for setting a reserve price. For more information, see the fees for selling on eBay page.

Resolution Center
The Resolution Center helps buyers and sellers resolve problems related to their transactions. Accessible from My eBay and from the Resolution Center link at the bottom of most pages, the Resolution Center is used when a buyer doesn’t receive an item or the item differs from its description, when a seller doesn’t receive payment for an item, or when a seller wants to cancel a transaction. Learn more about resolving transaction problems in the Resolution Center.

eBay members write and share their experience with products. Readers can research and learn about all kinds of information. Anyone can research or write a review. For more information, see Reviews & Guides.

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Second Chance Offer
A seller can make an offer to a non-winning bidder when either the winning bidder has failed to pay for an item or the seller has a duplicate of the item. A seller can create a Second Chance Offer immediately after a listing ends and up to 60 days after the end of the listing. We don’t charge an insertion fee, but if the bidder accepts the offer, the regular final value fee is charged. If you’re making a Second Chance Offer because you didn’t receive payment from the winning bidder, first try to resolve the problem with the winning bidder. Learn more about what to do when a buyer doesn’t pay.

Secure server
A special server used for processing credit card and other sensitive information. This server uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to keep your information private and safe.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
An industry-standard encryption protocol that is used to transmit users' personal or credit card information securely and privately over the Internet. eBay uses this technology to keep your information safe. By convention, web pages that require an SSL connection start with https: instead of http:. When you see https: in the address box in your web browser, you know you're using an SSL connection.

Security Center
The Security Center provides resources and tips that help members learn how to stay safe on eBay and online. Go to the Security Center.

Sell similar item
A feature that lets sellers list new items based on the information they've previously entered for another item. When a seller chooses this option, eBay automatically transfers information from the old listing into the new one for easy editing. Sellers save time by not having to enter the same information again.

A member who sells an item on eBay. We have rules to help ensure that transactions are safe and hassle-free for the seller and the buyer. For more information, see rules for sellers.

Seller's return policy
A feature that lets sellers specify their return policy from a list of pre-formatted return policies. Once the seller chooses a return policy, it appears in a corresponding section of the View Item page.

Seller search
A search for a specific seller on eBay. Enter a seller's user ID, and you'll see all the items the seller is currently listing. Search for a seller.

Selling Manager
An advanced eBay selling tool that lets sellers perform all of their listing and sales-related activities from one location in My eBay. With Selling Manager, sellers can perform a variety of selling activities, such as tracking listings and managing post-sales activities (Feedback, email, payments, and so on). Learn more about Selling Manager.

Selling Manager Pro
An eBay selling tool that has the features of Selling Manager, plus additional capabilities to track inventory, list items in bulk, send feedback and emails in bulk, and generate profit and loss reports. Learn more about Selling Manager Pro.

Shill bidding
Bidding that artificially increases an item’s price or apparent desirability, or bidding by individuals with a level of access to the seller’s item information not available to other bidders. Shill bidding is not allowed on eBay.

Placing a bid in the closing minutes or seconds of an auction-style listing. Any bid, placed before the listing ends, is allowed on eBay. To protect yourself from being outbid at the last moment, enter the maximum amount you're willing to pay for an item upfront, and eBay will bid automatically for you, making sure you're the high bidder until your maximum is reached. This system is sometimes called proxy bidding.

Starting price
The price at which a seller wants bidding for an item to begin in an auction-style listing. The starting price may not necessarily be the lowest price they're willing to sell their item for. Sellers can also set a reserve price that represents the true minimum and is not shown to bidders. If the high bid does not meet the reserve price, then the seller is under no obligation to sell the item to the bidder. This feature lets sellers set a lower starting price to stimulate bidding.

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Title search
A method of finding items on eBay by entering keywords that match the title of the items. You enter keywords that you think will appear in the title of the item you're looking for. The search function will return with a list of items that match your keywords. Search by title.

Turbo Lister
An advanced eBay selling tool that helps sellers create multiple listings quickly and easily on their computer. Turbo Lister is a desktop application. You use it on your computer to create your listings, and then upload the listings to eBay. Turbo Lister's features helps sellers save time if they list many items. Download Turbo Lister.

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U - Z

Unpaid item process
The process used by sellers when they haven’t received payment for an item. The seller opens a case for the unpaid item in the Resolution Center and the buyer is given an opportunity to respond. If the buyer doesn’t respond to the case or the seller isn’t satisfied with the resolution, the seller may qualify for a final value fee credit.

User Agreement
The terms under which eBay offers registered members access to eBay services. All registered members must agree to these terms before they can bid on, buy, or sell items, or use any other eBay service. Read the eBay User Agreement.

User ID
The unique name you use to identify yourself on eBay. You choose a user ID when you register on eBay. As you buy and sell on eBay, your user ID may become an important part of your reputation on eBay. You'll want other members to associate your user ID with a reliable, positive buying or selling experience.

Want It Now
A place on eBay where buyers can tell sellers exactly what they want. Buyers post a message to Want It Now with a description of what they'd like to buy. Sellers can review these posts and respond to buyers with items they are selling on eBay. Go to Want It Now.

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25 Окт 2010
ты прекрасно освоил функцию одновременного нажатия кнопок Ctrl+C и затем не менее гениальное сочетание кнопок Ctrl+V с этим тебя поздравляю...более ничего понятного я не обнаружил в твоем посте.


28 Май 2010
Идея может и хорошая, но оформление ужасно.
Перед созданием темы надо было
а) сделать нормальное форматирование. Сейчас это нечитаемый, трудновоспринимаемый массив букв.
б) перевести с десяток хотя бы самых нужных терминов, чтобы было хотя бы что-то почитать уже.

А так это копипаста просто.

Добавлено спустя 29 секунд:

"Back to top" :)


18 Сен 2009
а нахрен это надо то?


Крутой иБаер
25 Сен 2010
2 352
Извините, но тоже не увидел полезной нагрузки. Может дополните чем-то оригинальным свою идею?


Крутой иБаер
1 Авг 2008
13 973
1 178


14 Окт 2010
1 086
Многоув. Хельга.
Я видел этот словарь.
У меня была мысль взять оригинальный глоссарий ибея и добавить к нему русский перевод и жаргонные термины.
Но я понял, народу это не нужно!!!

Глас народа,
Глас Божий.


18 Сен 2009
если вам нечем заняться то делайте =)
однако уверен что почти никому ваши старания просто напросто не будут нужны :)


14 Окт 2010
1 086
Пардон, забыл поинтересоваться вашим особым мнением :)


25 Окт 2010
У меня была мысль взять оригинальный глоссарий ибея и добавить к нему русский перевод и жаргонные термины.
Хорошая идея! воплощайте! переведите все нормально а не переводчиком тупым...будет очень полезно и в фак тему прикрепить....а так в вашем посте какой смысл заложен, непонятно.


14 Окт 2010
1 086
Хорошая идея! воплощайте! переведите все нормально а не переводчиком тупым...будет очень полезно и в фак тему прикрепить....а так в вашем посте какой смысл заложен, непонятно.
перевести это вообще не проблема...проблема сделать его удобным в пользовании именно для участников форума.
Я и хотел его сделать в виде ленты в одном посте.
Пока других вариантов не вижу.


25 Окт 2010
можно сделать по типу FAQ..где мы видим основной тэг...например: Starting price(начальная цена)...тыкаем на нее и открывается описание на русском...думаю полезная штука будет..и пока новички ее не прочитают полностью не давать создавать темы. :)


14 Окт 2010
1 086
Да, но для этого надо обладать определенными правами.
Я выясню.
