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Chargeback !!! ГУРУ поделитесь советами опытом решения.?



9 Мар 2009
Дорогие профи и гуру!

Пожалуйста подскажите и посоветуйте стратегию и тактику касательно следующей ситуации.
Покупатель русскоязычный из америцы купил товар 9 декабря 2008 стоимостью 1111 USD . Товар успешно доставлен покупателю FedEx Express. Покупатель успешно выставил у себя этот товар для перепродажи в 3 раза дороже и пытался перепродать в течении 2 месяцев. Но рынок есть рынок да и кризисная ситуация этому помогла не получилось перепродать товар и в конце февраля 2009 мой покупатель снял товар с перепродажи. И начал писать письма с требованием возврата товара и полного REFUNDS ему денег по предлогом что товар якобы не является 100 % Authentic , хотя в своем описание при перепродажи в течении 2 месяцев это указал даже в субтитрах...

Но так как все сроки вышли подачи жалоб через PayPal 45 дней и 60 дней через eBay
вчера через свой банк открыл Chargeback

Chargeback is a process initiated outside of PayPal by the credit card
holder, and the outcome of the chargeback is decided by the credit card
company, not by PayPal.

One of the unique benefits of using PayPal is that we help you fight
unwarranted chargebacks.

What to do next

Please log in to your PayPal account as soon as possible and visit the
Resolution Center to provide the following information about this
transaction, if available:

- Evidence that the merchandise/service was as described
- Evidence that you attempted to resolve the issue with the buyer
- Evidence that the buyer didn't try to contact you to resolve the problem
- Evidence that you provided a replacement to the buyer

Please submit your response within 10 calendar days of the date of this
email, so that we can help dispute this chargeback for you. The credit card
company determines chargeback timeframes and outcomes. Once PayPal sends
the credit card company your information, it may take up to 75 days for the
credit card company to make a final decision.

Because the credit card company has received a chargeback on this
transaction, we may place a temporary hold on the funds associated with
this transaction until this case is resolved.

For more information about how to protect your funds against chargebacks,
go to:


Steps to Resolve Your Case

Step 1 - Buyer disputes PayPal payment with credit card company
The buyer files a claim with their credit card company disputing a PayPal payment that was charged to their card. This type of dispute is known as a chargeback. By filing a chargeback, the buyer is requesting that the credit card company dispute a charge with the seller.

Step 2 - Credit card company contacts PayPal
The credit card company notifies PayPal that the buyer filed a chargeback. PayPal contacts the buyer and the seller by email and through the Resolution Center. Access to the funds associated with a chargeback may be limited while the claim is being investigated.

Step 3 - Seller responds to chargeback (10 days)
The seller provides relevant information to help PayPal dispute the chargeback. To facilitate a timely resolution, the seller has 10 days to respond to the chargeback via the Resolution Center. The information can be provided by email at chargeback-response@intl.paypal.com or by fax at +1-402-537-5755

Step 4 - PayPal Chargeback Specialist reviews seller's response (Up to 30 days)
PayPal reviews the information provided by the seller and receives processing documentation from the credit card company. This may take up to 30 days. During this time, sellers are encouraged to submit any additional information to dispute the chargeback case.

Step 5 - PayPal determines if there is sufficient evidence to dispute chargeback
If there is enough evidence to dispute the chargeback, PayPal will attempt to recover the funds on the seller's behalf. PayPal will make every effort to recover funds but there is no guarantee of recovery.


Как видно из описательной части у PayPal прекрасная команда экспертов которая помогает ПРОДАВЦАМ
бороться с неоправданными и необоснованными chargeback

Пожалуйста поделитесь мыслями о своем опыте есть ли надежда на положительный исход
при правильной доказательной базе и помощи команды экспертов PayPal......


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