Решил проконсультироваться с вами на счет покупки %)
Нашел себе фот, в под описании "Price lowered from $1195.00 to $1095.00 must sell".
B - buyer, S - seller.
B "Hi there! How can i buy it now for $1095?"
S "I have another one of these cameras I can list for you at 1095 buy it now with free shippping. Let me know and I'll do it for you right away."
B "Yes, I want it. Waiting for you."
S "Perfect. I'm not near a computer right now to set it up. I'll do it tomorrow and email you the item #."
S "Item # ............ Please bid and I'll close the auction and send you an invoice. I didn't want to do buy it now so no one else would snatch it."
Я поставил бид, теперь жду пока он закроет аукцион
Нормально ли это? Или есть где то заковырки? А то сомнения мучают, сумма для меня огромная.
Thx :lol:
Нашел себе фот, в под описании "Price lowered from $1195.00 to $1095.00 must sell".
B - buyer, S - seller.
B "Hi there! How can i buy it now for $1095?"
S "I have another one of these cameras I can list for you at 1095 buy it now with free shippping. Let me know and I'll do it for you right away."
B "Yes, I want it. Waiting for you."
S "Perfect. I'm not near a computer right now to set it up. I'll do it tomorrow and email you the item #."
S "Item # ............ Please bid and I'll close the auction and send you an invoice. I didn't want to do buy it now so no one else would snatch it."
Я поставил бид, теперь жду пока он закроет аукцион
Нормально ли это? Или есть где то заковырки? А то сомнения мучают, сумма для меня огромная.
Thx :lol: